Feminist Garbage

she would have had to blown my brains out , did they really have to go there , this was a innocent random guy caught in the wrong situation by a lunatic girl. movie is trying to be edgy but just comes across as another lame attempt to show all men as dirtbags while woman as some kind of charles bronson .just cause somebody wronged you doesnt give you the right to go on a killing spree . don't waste your time with this garbage you will be better off , just to warn people not to watch this trash the scene i am referring to is where a guy is forced at gunpoint to rape another guy , JUST SICK

gave this crap a 1, i wish imdb let you give negative scores because this film deserves it


just cause somebody wronged you doesnt give you the right to go on a killing spree

she's not wronged, she was raped. I know they dont need to kill a lot of people in the process but if they use some normal way like sue or police report, it will take a very long time and usually people dont believe you. Especially in America. (you know how their culture is, free sex & everything, Rape? No, its just sex, & she resists a bit)



She was not only raped, she was humiliated by the video this scum made and distributed, and went on to do the same to other women. She had EVERY REASON for her rage and pain. BTW, these scum bags are real. Do a Google search for Bang Brothers. They’re making a fortune. I actually thought the film was clever. How fitting that she cut his “silver” tongue out.


Please explain how this movie is feminist, I'm genuinely curious.

Countless vigilante movies where innocents get caught in the crossfire but this one is feminist because.....................<Insert logic here>

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"


He probably think it’s feminist garbage, because the rapists were the bad guys.
