MovieChat Forums > Galavant (2015) Discussion > Probably no Season 3

Probably no Season 3

I saw this article earlier today and it doesn't bode well:

It's about 5 ABC shows that are on the verge of cancellation. Those shows are Agent Carter, Castle, The Muppets, Nashville, and Galavant. According to the article, the ABC president who gave Galavant a reprieve last year is no longer with the network and that his successor probably won't do the same for next year, mainly because of bad ratings (even though it's had some critical success). The article said that the show had pretty much wrapped everything up as if they knew it would be the end... but they thought that last year too and look what happened. Still, it's not looking good for another wild ride with Gal and the Gang.


I'd be amazed (but pleased) if it got another season, though have to disagree with

The article said that the show had pretty much wrapped everything up as if they knew it would be the end... but they thought that last year too

Not sure it was wrapped up last year at all! As Jester said/sang:

Or will we leave all our viewers
With pain and anger,
Just like we left them last year?
Could we just stop once again,
On a huge cliffhanger—

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


I'd also love a Season 3 but ratings are everything and evidently Galavant didn't have them. It doesn't seem right for this show to be held to the same standard as one that has 16 or more episodes. Galavant is a perfect show for the winter hiatus that every show seems to take these days. It's nice to have something fresh and new to watch during that dismal time of year when there's nothing but reruns. If the new ABC president is smart, he'll see Galavant for the great "seat filler" it is and give it another chance. But if they do decide to cancel it, I hope they announce it soon, for the viewers' sake and for the actors involved so they can make plans for their future.


Absolutely. Galavant is a perfect break, much like Agent Carter, since ABC feels compelled to suspend regular programming in the midwinter. I'd love for another season of Galavant. It's fun and different, and while I do suppose it's a bit expensive to produce, the actors pay the highest price. It's not easy to ready three strong musical numbers for every half hour. That's crazy. But I hope they can get it done for one more season.


Yea I'm really hopnig they both get renewed. Each of them are some of my favorite shows on tv right now. However things look even bleaker now as today ABC announced a bunch of renewals but no mention of either Galavant or Agent Carter.


Oh, yes I hope it comes back as well to fill in.
