Wasted time

I thought this was a Jack Ryanish kind of thriller. Turns out it is an action for dummies. Filled with unintelligent and boring dialogues between the many many many gunfights.


Ahhhhh man tell me about it.

Nearly everything about this movie is terrible !

Plot, stupid bad guys, plot, dialogue,stupid good guys, plot, impossible to survive scenarios, plot, acting,justification of killing civilians via drone strikes, where is the entire britiah police force and armed forces, plot..

I'd rather watch an 80s Arnie movie, at least it doesn't take it self so seriously.

Was probably one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time.


I'd rather watch an 80s Arnie movie, at least it doesn't take it self so seriously.

Exactly. I'll accept a lot if it is done without trying to be something more than it is. It's about "the contract" between the filmmaker and the viewers. If it has a bit humor between the lines and it doesn't take it self too seriously, then over the top stuff can be entertaining.


Og and forgot, massive waste of acting talent.


Writer seems to think Britain is an amusement park and that Brits are retards. They very ones who uncovered the liquid bomb plot. A Doctor's episode is more realistic.
