Agree! Forget PC: this is a bad, but fun movie.
The Un-PC-ness of this film is only refreshing if you are tone-deaf to world politics. Or possibly have never left the continental United States! Or both.
That doesn't stop it from being terribly fun, however. Definitely a "Saturday Night Movie", though.
Much of what polished the previous entry is missing: The decorum of a secret service agent's daily life, the high budget for CGI.
What's new that's on display is troubling: Toxic Masculinity and blind American Exceptionalism. In reality, the SAS are not the buffoons, but in all likelihood the superior fighting force. Our own Secret Service members have been plagued in recent years by scandals of boozing and whoring while on the job.
And then there is the whitewashing of American drone killings. Holy *beep* The preceding scene where they talk about murdering a man's family in retaliation for some slight. That, as far as anyone knows, is not based in reality. However the bombing of an entire wedding party to kill one man is, in fact, something our government is OK with admitting, and with some regularity.
The setup for the movie, ultimately, is hamfisted and tone-deaf. But ultimately forgivable if you're aware of this, because for *beep*'s sake it is an Action movie.
If at some point you feel this film plays to your politics, you may need to be reading more news from sources other than Fox News. Or reading, period.