MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > Did they purposely ignore the 1st movie?

Did they purposely ignore the 1st movie?

Not once in this movie did the events of Olympus Has Fallen come up.
Not even a "here we go again" or "this happened again during the same presidency" or "I have experience with this sorta thing"....nothing.

So did they ignore and not reference Olympus on purpose? Why?

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Do you know how many sequels fail to mention the original? It happens all the time.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


Not like this, though. It used to be fairly normal in the past and still is quite normal in procedural tv-shows, but it's been a VERY long time since I last saw a modern action movie that completely ignored its predecessor.


Tokyo Drift had absolutely no connection to 2 Fast Furious.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


It didn't involve any of the characters from the first two films. It was, as it turns out, a side-story. The lack of plot connections made perfect sense, because they were happening to different people in different parts of the world. But even without plot connections, there was still continuity.

LHF on the other hand, has the same characters and some of the same settings, yet no plot connections (which is fair) and NO discernible continuity to speak of(which is incredibly weird).


I thought they just covered the Tokyo Drift storyline.... Fast 4 & 5 were prequels & I think they went to Tokyo in Fast 6 (The 1 with Jason Statham/ The Rock`s 2nd Fast)? Basically just out of order.


I don't know, but good point. I was waiting for "that moment" too, but nothing. With all his cool and funny quips, it would have been nice to have one wink at the audience (I hate it when sequels overdo that though).


Yes they could have at least shown the final repairs being made at the White House when they showed it.


That annoyed me too. Even if you accept that it's six years after the first movie, I can't imagine that the president wouldn't still be absolutely smothered with SS agents all around him.

Secret Service, not Schutzstaffel. Though, I would watch that if that was the sequel.
