MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > If you gave The Asylum a $60-million bud...

If you gave The Asylum a $60-million budget....

....this is what you would get.

It's a light, don't-think-to-hard-about-it flick that screams "Made for tv" or "Direct to video", yet gets shown in theatres because it has decent actors (though you wouldn't know if from how they deliver their lines...but don't fault them, fault who wrote this horrible script, and the director...and well EVERYONE involved).

CGI is worse than something The Asylum puts out. Given the budget, the folks who were in charge of it should be embarrassed and never hired again.

And the plot? Who cares. The whole move stunk, so just kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch it for what it is.


The CGI. Is excellent you goose stepping moron. Get out of your Mom's basement and get a date girly man.


....this is what you would get.

It's a light, don't-think-to-hard-about-it flick that screams "Made for tv" or "Direct to video", yet gets shown in theatres because it has decent actors (though you wouldn't know if from how they deliver their lines...but don't fault them, fault who wrote this horrible script, and the director...and well EVERYONE involved).

CGI is worse than something The Asylum puts out. Given the budget, the folks who were in charge of it should be embarrassed and never hired again.

And the plot? Who cares. The whole move stunk, so just kick back, grab some popcorn, and watch it for what it is.

Do You always have opinion that no one agrees with or is it just limited to this one case...

I loved Olympus Has Fallen...IMO London Has Fallen Is not nearly as good...

But it was a good,entertaining sequal and action Movie...

lol Have you even seen An Asylum movie?

London has Fallen has Nothing in common with those movies...In fact I was very surprised with The amount of Action and quality of action in this movie for ONLY having a 60 Million dollar budget...

The CGI Literally looked nothing like Asylum movies...In fact London Has Fallen actually had better CGI than Olympus, There were some parts in Olympus that just plain had Bad CGI...In London, There wasn't a lot of Big CGI sequences but The ones they did have actually were pretty good and Really improved from Olympus

The ONLY thing I think you remotely got right was the story, The story was pretty stupid, especially The whole "President and Hero" running around London...

I think you watched the movie, didn't like it and then I think you knowingly Went to great lengths to EXAGGERATE how bad you thought this movie was...

Bringing up "Asylum" movies and comparing "London Has Fallen" to Them is Just An Absurd EXAGGERATION...So much so That you literally had to do it on purpose....

You literally had to actually sit down and think to yourself "How can I really make My point about how bad I think this movie is, what can I say that will upset people and really make this movie look bad"

you didn't like the movie, fine...thats your opinion...

But you clearly purposely tried to EXAGGERATE how bad the movie was with your Asylum comparison

CGI is worse than something The Asylum puts out. Given the budget, the folks who were in charge of it should be embarrassed and never hired again.

Based on Your opinion that "London Has Fallen's CGI is as bad as Asylum's CGI"...You probably should consider NOT giving your opinions anymore...

Because Your opinions seem to be HUGE EXAGGERATIONS ....

if You truly believe London Has Fallen is as bad as Asylum movies and Its CGI is as as Asylum movies and you aren't just purposely exaggerating like I expect...Then YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED...

and you should be embarrassed because You watched A Movie and clearly saw something that the overwhelming majority did NOT SEE...

was there people out there that didn't like the movie? Of course...was there people who thought the CGI was bad? Probably...

But I can guarantee almost no one other than You watched London Haas Fallen and said "Yep I Just watched An Asylum movie, This movies CGI was As bad As Asylum movies"

You should be Embarrassed because Your Opinion is either An Absurd Exaggeration.


even worse you simply saw something no one else saw...You watched London Has Fallen and saw An "Asylum type movie"... and That Opinion AT BEST could only be shared by a very small almost non existent Minority...

Ah Fan- BvS will be the highest-grossing CBM in history, until Justice League(thats 1.519 B)lol


It was like an Asylum movie.


What's with all of the unnecessary capital letters in your post, billbrown?

Your comment is long winded enough to bring the point home ten fold, we get it, you saw through the OP's bullsh~t. Congratulations.

There's really no need to throw in sh!tty grammar skills too.


Bob, it iz the interwebz, that is the sole reason to throw in sh!tty grammar
Deadlands 2: Trapped
