Just finished watching

This was not a good movie... but it was a pretty fun dumb action schlock movie and totally worth my 90 minutes on Netflix.


Exactly. Big, dumb, loud, violent fun.

Gotta say that the "alley shootout" toward the end with the very long takes was really well done, though. Very cool sequence.


Just saw it too on Netflix and I thought it was pretty good. Special effects were well done.


I thought the same thing OP. But..is it not a good movie if you enjoyed it? I've decided if a movie kept my attention and I enjoy it. It was a good movie. I didn't care for Olympus Has Fallen but this was a hoot. Loved how over the top and brutal Banning was. Butler sold it great. People who're getting their panties in a bunch about how unrealistic it is or it's sheer Western propaganda forgot what movie they started. This is a 2010's sequel to Invasion USA, but in London. Honest to God, if a someone made a movie where we had a plucky Lebanese hero saving the day against a corrupt Western conglomerate or Govt. and it was done like London has Fallen, I would like it just as much. I don't care about the politics. I just enjoy seeing a highly capable bad ass take down the bad guys in fun and visceral ways, especially while throwing out some zingers! It's a MOVIE!

Now, I don't expect that to happen because those God Damn Muslims have no sense of humor!!!!

"God Damn, dipsh!t Rodriguez, gypsy dildo...PUNKS!"
