MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > Apparently you need a generator to go on...

Apparently you need a generator to go online?

"The power is down"
"Go downstairs and get the emergency generators so I can hook it up to this big 1980s videocam and go online"

Obviously these terrorists just ran out of mobile data on their phones while trying to film the prez getting smoked😀😀😀😀


Mobile networks do have their own power backups, but they don't last forever (about a day apparently).
Also, in a major event there is the possibility that they just switch off the mobile network, because everyone and his dog is calling Aunt Lucy to see if she's okay, bringing down the network anyway (remember every January 1st, 00.05 hrs?). Good thing if you have an old analog phoneline then that doesn't need additional power.
"I only watch box sets. Soya latte anyone?" (GuardianOnline reader CameronYJ)
