"Get outside, this helicopter could blow!"
This just really bugged me in terms of lack of realism. Considering the fact that the terrorists seemed to have teams of people all over the place, I figured that they would probably have some kind of special team in place to head to Marine Force One upon it being shot down to get the President. So one would think that Banning would have thought the same. Instead, he tells the President to get out of the helicopter because it could blow up, upon which he then spends a bunch of time inside talking to Angela Bassett's character as she dies. Now to things on this:
1) How is HE (Banning) supposed to protect the President if he then stays inside talking and it blows up?
2) Not that it is nice to just cut and run, but the President's life is at stake, so one would think Bassett's character herself would've been telling him to get out of there and protect the President.
But nope, instead he wastes a bunch of time and risks his own life, then when he finally climbs out of the helicopter, the President is just standing a foot or so away (yeah, that's a safe distance in the event the thing blows up!). So then of course, as expected, the terrorists start appearing, and on motorcycles.