This user review says I have to hunt this one down :)
This "movie" is about a running blond pretty girl. Originally she came from a spaceship, but that does not matter very much. The story is paper thin or to say it precisely, there is no story
Firstly, barring hair color, that is basically the plot for Gravity if you actually had gravity!
Some people hated that movie, I loved Gravity and I like some B-grade shlock, therefore I have to see this :)
The big thing I hate in many made for tv movies is the dialog full of exposition and bad acting that really makes it drag. Someone should make a movie where the (pretty) heroine just runs from one frying pan to the next fire for the whole thing. It would be hilarious. Acting would not matter too much if directing consisted of throwing dead rats at appropriate moments. Character development would consist of progressing to larger rodents and sheep offal.
..until she snaps and really lays into the director and crew (who happen to be dressed as Klingons) before storming off the set. This could make the dramatic conclusion.
(edit 2)
Hey, maybe they actually ARE klingons, making a movie, and that is the twist.
Is this that movie? :) share