The corpse walking scene was so tense and good but doors closing ? nah
It was more than my expectations. It's like one of those best
movies like it follows.
I didn't liked the insidious,conjuring auto door closing stuff though.
I think those ghost supernatural objects moving around is a major scare killer.
It's not scary. it actually ruins the scary mood.
Probably because conjuring keeps expanding it's universe.
Corpse cutting stuff gore was too gory. I already watched worse though.
I don't know why but hollywood and all the entertainment are obsessed with
feminist madonna seduce temptation stuff.
The video game F.E.A.R or the "revenge girls" plots.
Girl got so tortured she gain super power to revenge. it's like some kinda
porno plot now. Do guys actually get turned on by this or is the girls that are getting turned on by their feminist motto and the dominating and taking advantage of guys ? I can't resist but now believe that bible is in fact true.
Females are evil. They are evil enough to turn heaven into hell.
I understand how god was so disgusted by his creation female.
But please put us males out of this please.
Can we like get at least 1 guy surviving in a horror movie or a guy who got tortured becomes a revenge guy with some nude ?
I always try not to talk stuff like these but it's stucked in my head now.
It's all because of revenge girl slut Music videos and stuff these days.
It's like that movie where samuel jackson is evil and uses some wave on mobile phones to send aggressive killing intentions through the world world.
Every time I see feminist stuff I get so angry. I can't stop thinking.