And to the poster above me, I don't feel sorry for Kristen Stewart. She acts the same in every movie she does which pretty much shows she can't act, and yet she keeps getting hired because for some reason she's popular. Complete bollocks.
We're running around like we don't care It's gonna leave its mark somewhere.
Yeah she's perfect for a role like this. Because she is incapable of showing emotions. Which is also why she was perfect as Bella Swan - such a bland, personality-less character would be hard to capture by a different actor who could actually, you know...act.
Yeah they call me the Hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless..............
I wonder if it's possible for you guys to realize that this "continuous mocking" only happens to exist in the heads of a certain subset of the population and considering what kind of person you have to be to belong to it, it is a rather irrelevant subset. So don't you be worried for Kristen, she'll be fine
I would like to watch this movie especially cause Pearce is in it, but the mouth-breather ffs... she is painful to watch, I have watched only one movie with her (huntsman) and literally she can act to save her life ffs...
I've seen several and I agree with IceCharon 100%... I felt the same after the first film. It doesn't take multiple viewings to form an opinion about someone's ability to portray a character well.
Watching only one of her movies, The Huntsman, and deciding she's a bad actress isn't very smart. Watch Revolution and you'll think Al Pacino can't act, watch Dungeons & Dragons and you'll think Jeremy Irons can't act, watch Forest Whitaker in Battlefield Earth, Russel Crowe in Les Miz or Brando in The Island of Dr Moreau, you'll think none of them can act. You can't judge an actor based on only ONE performance. And Snow White, on top of being a bad movie, contains what's arguably Stewart's worst performance to date...
You should try movies like Welcome to the Rileys, Camp X-Ray, Clouds of Sils Maria (which got her a well deserved César award), On The Road, The Runaways, or the two movies she did with Jesse Eisenberg, Adventureland and even American Ultra (bad script, saved by their performances/chemistry). If you didn't change your mind after watching two of them, it'll mean she's just not your type.
___________ - Booker, are you afraid of God ? - No. But I'm afraid of you.
YOu have a point there no doubt and most likely is not my type (not sure cause I have watched only one movie with her as I've said), however I dont find any of her movies appealing to me.
It is amazing to me that you people love to diss this actress. You say the same crap about emotions and yet, I bet you watch most of her films....since Twilight. Is this a club you belong where you give yourself pats on the back and high five each other. I would maybe expect this immature thinking from children...oh...