ripoff of THX 1138

This is a blatant ripoff of George Lucas' first feature film THX 1138.


Oh well. They can't continue on having a fresh ideas forever, almost everything has been covered already. If someone makes a time traveling movie doesn't mean that others are prohibited from doing another one. If I was a fan of THX I would be happy to watch a similar movie.


From comments, I see this seems to be a remake of 5 or so other film, with the same theme. And those others all worked from the same theme!
With that said and reading Drakes comments, I will simply wait for the film with anticipation knowing the relationship ends badly....I mean, by comparing it to a futuristic Romeo and Juilliet...


yes, VERY MUCH rings of THX-1138 entire premise: sedatted, non emotional people, fidn love, and escape. Unfortunately, most peeps have never seen that. And it seemed too dull for todays audeinces... -- since THAT is how the people in that movie are supposed to react to life: very dull like. So, most don't get all that.


SO many things stolen from THX-1138. Why bother seeing this
