MovieChat Forums > Equals (2016) Discussion > Highly under-rated movie, could've been ...

Highly under-rated movie, could've been fine tuned.

Kristin Stewarts subtle facial expressions are a beauty to behold. I know in this country ( USA ) we tend to expect highly animated expressions unlike Japan, where subtly conveys more meaning, than sheer emotive outblasts. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this movie and the actors played the roles perfectly at times. Showing emotion and non-emotion as expected in such a sci-fi world. Similar to other movies yet it still conveys something true, honest and in that, it holds it's own. An authentic work that deserves a higher rating.


There really wasn't anything authentic about this movie. It had an interesting color pallet in the beginning and some of the camera work was inventive, but both plusses wear off quickly. There was nothing original or authentic in this. Everything had been done before. I want to give a tiny bit of credit to the actors for behaving as one would expect in such a world, but everything in this had been done before. The movie never went in a direction of it's own. I wanted to like it, but it just pissed me off in the end. Maybe it would have worked better as a short, cutting out a lot of the filler. Overall it was meh.
