Will re-watch this with subtitles on
Missed enough quietly spoken/mumbled lines to make me worry about my hearing, until I saw here that some others found the same. I'll watch it again at some point with subtitles on, but surely this should have been addressed during filming or editing. As for the movie itself, I had really high hopes as have recently been really enjoying Kristen Stewart movies which led me to this one - but couldn't really get into this personally. The visuals were amazing and the sets were creative. It was nice hearing a Mogwai tune from about 10 years ago, made me sentimental of my younger days and I thought that it worked really well for the scene it was in. Characters were great, I loved Nicholas Hoult and Kristen Stewart - brilliant actors.
So all the elements of a great movie were there - but pretty much the whole thing felt like the first part of a movie, where they set the scene for what's about to happen. And just when you're thinking "great now s**t is about to kick off", that's the end.
I suppose that's a fair enough route to take, at least it's not an insultingly obvious movie where you can guess what's about to happen all the time - I think they intend to leave you hanging. Fair enough, but I wanted to know the next stage! It was all foreplay.