MovieChat Forums > Welcome to Marwen (2018) Discussion > A portrait of confused masculinity

A portrait of confused masculinity

What did we learn about Mark Hogancamp?

He likes playing with dolls - male and female ones.
He likes wearing women's shoes sometimes, because it helps him tap into "feminine essence".
He watches porn.
He lives more in an imaginary reality than the real world.
He responds to conflict by turning into a little bitch.

Need I continue? I'll stop there.

I'm glad the movie was unapologetic in making its point at the end: being this way will result in decreased chances of you ending up in a loving relationship. You're gonna end up alone if you're like that, folks.

Anyways, that's what I personally got from watching the movie.


You're not wrong, but a large part of the issue is that he had most of his life stolen from him. His skittishness was presumably a result of his near-death beating.


Yeah, brain damage, severe anxiety issues, and post-traumatic stress syndrome don't exactly make a person date bait!

Frankly, the Hogencamp of the movie coped better than most people would with that kind of mental and physical damage. He was able to work, create, support himself, make friends, look for love, and keep the substance abuse at a low level. Others have done far, far, worse.


here's what you can learn about me ... i hate trolls and i put them on ignore.
