Her daughter

How old is she supposed to be? I thought last season she was an exchange student in high school. Now she's home from India but she's "home from college" and needs a job? Doesn't she have to go back to either high school in New Jersey or college somewhere else?
So if she's somewhere between 17-19 then how did Liza have time to go to college, have a career and then quit working to raise her all by the age of 22-23?
Maybe I am just not paying attention. Or maybe they are just making it up as they go. Not sure.


I will say that I don't like Caitlin that much.


Neither do I.. I think she wanted Josh and when she found out her mother was dating went all mid life crisis on her..I wish she hadn't came back...


Yeah, she annoys me lol


I understand that it would be a lot to see your mom making out with a tattoo artist in his 20s (especially since Caitlin was talking about how hot Josh was when she showed her tattoo to Liza). BUT she really didn't seem that excited to see Liza when she got home and went out with her friends on her first (or second?) night back, so I wouldn't say that she has been that great to her mom so far. Also, I guess that everyone defines mid-life crisis differently because I usually think of that as happening to someone closer to 50 than 40--I don't think of 40 as being old...I am 27 and have friends who range from mid 20s to early 40s. I wish that Liza wasn't a mom and she was just dealing with a divorce from her husband because having a daughter, especially a teenager, gives her less freedom to do what she wants as a single woman.


Apparently they never had a great relationship before the divorce. Eventually she will age out and Josh will start looking elsewhere. Am I the only one who sees this. Plus I think she is daddy girl.


I totally agree. if she is going to be a main-ish character this season, I might be skipping this season until the end and I can bing watch. She was beyond rude to her mom. And her petty comment to her mom when she was leaving with her dad - nope, rude and very childish.


She's a daddy's girl, Many teen girls have issues with there mom. So she did call out her mom on dating someone so young. That is normal, It probably would not last anyway. Her age will be a factor at some point. Why do you think they introduced another suitor.


Agreed! During the first season, it seemed like they had a very close relationship. Now, she is nothing but rude to her mom. I really don't like the dynamic and hopefully she won't be around too often during the second season.


I feel like it is the writing more than the actress.

The writing for her character is so contrived. Liza could have "the talk" with her in 5 minutes but instead all we get is "we'll talk later" and then tons of forced "missed connection" scenes.


She's 18.


She's 18 and still in high school. Some thought she was in college but they usually don't allow freshman to study abroad. So yeah the part about getting a job is weird. Maybe it's a short term job until the last second part of school starts again.



I thought she was in college though on this board I've read that some posters say she's still in highschool. But yes she's very ungrateful. If my mom had spent that much money on me to go study abroad I would be treating her like a queen especially with everything that she's gone through. Kids these days... =/

Dr. Spencer Reid: Look at me. Without a gun I look like a teacher's assistant!


I actually can't stand her. I don't know why in Hollywood almost all daughters ar totally rude, bratty and snobby. The way she speaks to her mother, who's actually lying about her age and getting paid to send her to India. Then she comes back and decides to go by her good for nothing father. smh. The more she's out of the show I'm happy.


I just don't like the actress. She's not a good actress and not very charismatic. That charm that Sutton, Debi, Nico and Hillary all possess, the actress playing Caitlin doesn't have.


Thank you for saying so!!! I can't tell you how annoying I find her. I was going to start my own thread, but mercifully I found this one and discovered that several others had voiced the same gripe already. She is just hard to take. It's not a one or two issue fix either; there's something about her whole manner to her core that is supremely off putting. She's basically a dork with fairly attractive traits, but she strikes me as the girl who never made friends with people her own age, and was oblivious to the fact that her precocious tendencies were obnoxious rather than endearing. Her tone suggests that she's the teenager who is in the know about all the latest fads, but it does not become her. She feigns exasperation at times, but instead of it appearing as charmingly rebellious, she comes across as a super nerd. Man, I just think she's irritating as hell.


She feigns exasperation at times, but instead of it appearing as charmingly rebellious, she comes across as a super nerd. Man, I just think she's irritating as hell.

Honestly, I just think she's not a very good actress. And she lacks magnetism. Everyone else on the show is just so charismatic, I could watch them read the phone book. But casting really dropped the ball with her.


I think she's a terrible actress with an odd way of speaking. Yes, the part is written to be antagonistic, but maybe in the hands of a better actress it wouldn't be quite so annoying? Or maybe it's the way she's directed to play the part. I don't know if anyone here watched Smash but the kid who played Debra Messing's teenage son ruined every scene he was in. However I recently saw him in Brooklyn - he was fine - and I didn't even know it was the same actor! So direction may have something to with Caitlin's annoyance factor. Another thought - maybe tv writers just don't know how to write believable teenage characters.


The daughter is the worst. I really wish the writers would dispose of the Caitlyn character altogether. She brings nothing good to the show and her presence in scenes is annoying.


Another vote here against the daughter. I am not a fan. I don't know if it's the role or the actress playing the role, but something doesn't work there.

Reminds me of the daughter on an old, short-lived show nurse show starring Jada Pinkett (forget the name of it.) The daughter looked too old in comparison to the mother and her personality was not really likable. The daughter on "Younger" seems to be cut in the same mold. I think it's a miss for the writers.

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy
