MovieChat Forums > February (2017) Discussion > Anyone else hear the woman moaning at th...

Anyone else hear the woman moaning at the beginning?

Right when she walks into the Priest's office you hear this background chatter, probably from the other students in the building. But right around 2:36-2:37 min in you hear this woman moaning and possibly being whipped/spanked? If you turn it up you can hear it clear as day. I thought maybe the priest was watching porn on a laptop/phone or something but there's no indication of that. Can anyone else confirm I'm not crazy?


I just wanted to reply to this even though the post is old as hell... I just watched this film. There is a point in the film where we see a bulletin board, and a sign which reads: "Lost laptop. Reward: 500$. No questions asked" For some reason this stood out in my mind. First of all, no one is going to pay 500$ for the safe return of a laptop unless they're hiding something, and the 'no questions asked' really supports the hiding something theory.

Wondering now if perhaps you're right on the priest theory, and he lost his laptop with said porn on it. Would be an interesting touch.


I heard it too--definitely sounded like porn, interrupted, through a headphone. And yeah, that poster was quite...suspicious.

There were other moments of tense moments with potentially sexual connotations, like what appears to be Kat's strange attachment to the headmaster (which is later revealed to be nothing of the sort), and even Rose's dad approaching Joan with a creepy car in the distance and offering a ride.

It was an interesting film, and the way the director played with edits, framing, and sound to create a sense of disquiet was pretty amazing.


I hear it too but it would sound tinny if it were headphones, it sounded like it was coming from outside to me
