Needs to be called 'Child's Play: Revenge of Chucky'
The film should start off right were Curse ended and feature flashbacks to show what happened with Nica and Alice. Chucky, Tiffany, and Glenda go up against Andy, Karen, Mike, Jack, Kyle, Tyler, DeSilva, Jessie, Jade, Glenn, Nica, and Alice at the end of the film while Chucky goes on another killing spree with Tiffany accompanying him along the way to hunt down and kill those who have wronged him. Andy shoots Chucky but misses but is able to grab him and thrown him out the window, who then disappears after being thrown into a garbage truck with Chucky killing the garbage man (A nod to Child's Play 3) and then sneaks on board a plane to California to return to Tiffany's manor and discuss his plans on taking down the Barclays, the Kincaids, and the family from the previous film who were the only two survivors from Chucky's previous killing spree. The film would also end on a cliffhanger to make way for The Demise of Chucky: The Final Child's Play (Similar to Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday and Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare) and possibly end up fighting the Leprechaun in the 9th film.
The future Chucky films are as follows:
Child's Play: Revenge of Chucky (2015)
Demise of Chucky: The Final Child's Play (2016)
Chucky Vs. Leprechaun (2019)
Chucky Vs. Leprechaun 2: The Chuck of The Irish (2020)
Chucky Vs. Leprechaun 3: Sudden Death (2021)
Child's Play (Reboot) (2023)