MovieChat Forums > Cult of Chucky (2017) Discussion > How Chucky could find Andy

How Chucky could find Andy

I think Chucky should go after Nica at the mental institution and it should turn out that Andy's mum is in the same place so that is how he gets back to Andy


His mom is not in a mental hospital anymore. He talks to her on the phone in the Curse scene.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


Ok how about this? The next film shows the gap between Curse and the extra Andy scene at the end? That way, Andy's mum could be in the mental hospital at the start of the film and the extra Curse scene could be half way through the film when she had been released?


I'm thinking most people probably take it she's been out of the hospital for years already.

To stick her into Nica's storyline and have her come out during the 6 months is just over complicated and farfetched. I mean she's out so she faked being cured...but just now over 20 years later?

If Andy, his mom and Nica all eventually cross paths that's fine. That would be pretty cool but being there at the same time is like shoe-horning her in.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


You are probably right. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with!


Andy and his mom could visit Nica in the mental hospital after the Chucky encounter.

Maybe Andy found out about Nica during the 6 months in the news or something and he prepared for him to return.

After whatever happens with that situation they could visit her and try to help her get out so they can all work together.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


i am pretty sure they are going to kill off andy and his mom if they happen to be in the film
r.i.p corey haim


maybe chucky goes on a rampage at the institution and is seen in security footage, and they now realize Karen Barkley and Nica were telling the truth all along and are set free! as for Mike Norris maybe he was transferred against his will to keep his mouth shut! explains why Karen might be dating him at the end of Curse of chucky!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


maybe chucky goes on a rampage at the institution and is seen in security footage, and they now realize Karen Barkley and Nica were telling the truth all along and are set free! as for Mike Norris maybe he was transferred against his will to keep his mouth shut! explains why Karen might be dating him at the end of Curse of Chucky!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)



He's sent to Andy by Jennifer Tilly at the end of Curse of Chucky, though.

-Dad, who's that?
-Oh, that? One of my patients. He's...sick.
-Will he live?
-It's looking grim.


Good point, but how did Chucky and Tiffany find Andy's address to send Chucky to him? And what made him go back to Andy? Would be great if there was something that linked Nica back to the first film and not just 'they looked up Andy's address on the internet'!


I thought he went after Andy again, because Nica taunted him about not having finished the job. He seemed pretty pissed when Nica reminded him that he was beaten by a little kid. Unless it was just teasing out a future movie that people are hoping takes place in the 6 month gap.
