Poor sea monster...

That poor sea monster/creature/dragon in the beginning of the movie. Just minding his own business, sleeping peacefully, and not harming anyone, then that damn king comes in and stabs him to death. :P No, but really, I actually did feel sorry for it. :( Sidenote: Why the hell did they have the king himself go through the trouble of killing the sea creature, and getting himself killed in the process? Wouldn't it have been much better to have one of his subjects do it, so as to avoid the risk of the king getting hurt? I don't get it. :-/


LoL Thank you!
I recently watched and I couldnt think of nothing else in the movie lol. As a matter of fact, its the first time I bother replying a message here!!!!^^


It wasn't spelled out, but I think the queen had to suffer some loss to bring her baby into the world. It didn't actually specify that the "life" it cost had to be someone she loved, but it was implied, and made for a more resonant story (especially in light of how she reacted - or not - to his death)


I felt so sorry for the poor thing...it didn't help that it looked a bit like FALCOR from the Neverending Story LMAO


I am glad I am not the only one.

I actually *did* feel sorry for that sea creature, too, and I found that rather odd as I usually don't get even a little bit emotional like that, especially about an obviously fake character in a film, or right at the beginning, and who doesn't even take up much screen time.

I didn't feel that way about any of the main characters in this movie, however.

Cinematography rocked, but otherwise I felt this film was rather lame; it was oddly disjointed & the storylines hinted at taking me in, but never really did ~ reminded me of a sneeze that never happens...feels like it will and then....then....then..nah...just fades away...

"She was possessed by a very simple idea that changed everything. That our world wasn't real."
