Drug usage?
Does anyone know if they're going to bring in that Ashley Smith was a drug user and had also placated Nichols with some meth? I got the impression that she used the meth to calm him down and then read to him from Purpose Driven Life, since he was presumably more receptive.
I hope that they do, since that's what makes the whole story a little better, a little more real, since she got off of drugs afterwards. It was supposedly a pretty big wakeup for her, so the book worked for her just as much as it did for Nichols. Them removing this element just to pretty everything up for Hollywood would just make everything more cheap and artificial. Here's this awesome quote from the above article:
"Smith, a 27-year-old widowed mother who gained widespread praise for her level-headedness, says the seven-hour hostage ordeal in March led to the realization that she was a drug addict, and she says she has not used drugs since the night before she was taken captive."
I mean, to remove the drugs would remove so much heart from the story.