Kate Mara? No thanks
She's one of the worst actresses to ever grace the big screen. The same stoic look in every scene in every movie.
shareShe's one of the worst actresses to ever grace the big screen. The same stoic look in every scene in every movie.
sharei thought she was great in this, despite it being horribly, mediocre, humdrum storytelling lacking in suspense, emotion or necessity. i'm sincerely sorry i wasted my time on it, given all the Law and Order repeats that would've better pacified the anxiety of waiting for my slashed wrists to drain... but she and David Oyelowo were solid.
shareI commend you for watching it. She is hard for me to do. I'll probably struggle my way through the new FF movie when it come out next week at Redbox.
shareFantastic Four 2015? Don't watch that shít, dude.
shareThe comic nerd in me dictates that I do. But you're the 1,000,000th person I've heard say not to watch it.
shareI'm gonna tell you something you need to accept. Fantastic Four will not honor your comic nerd. It will kick it in the face and leave you questioning your life choices. In the first 15 minutes you'll say "this isn't even that bad. Why are people freaking out?" Then it's all down hill from there. You'll say the following thing, possibly while rocking on the floor... "wait, what? Who? What's happening right now? Why is NOTHING happening right now? Where's the fantastic part? Is it possible that this is the most boring thing ever made? Redbox, can I have my money back? Why didn't I listen to 10,000 who heroically sat through this dreck so that I could be spared?"
shareI only watched the movie because she was in it. Quite glad I did though as it didn't sound like it was going to be a character study. And that is much more the type of film I enjoy than the crime drama I was expecting to endure.
I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.
I didn't think Kate Mara was bad..
I thought she did ok...
and David Oyelowo can play anyone.
I think she did a fantastic job. I think shes a great actress. I liked the movie. I gave it a 7/10
shareI like her.
shareALWAYS has that same dumb look on her face. And she's ugly