In an alternate world, the murder of a government sponsored superhero draws his outlawed colleagues out of retirement, into a mystery that threatens their lives and the world itself. Own Watchmen Chapter 1 on Digital 8/13.
Might be something they released primarily as a means to retain the rights to the graphic novel. Studios sometimes do that, as most contracts giving them the right to adapt a character or story, also stipulate that those rights revert back to the original writer, and the studio loses them entirely, if the studio fails to release a screen adaptation within a specified period of time. If the studio does release an adaptation, however, it resets the countdown clock back to zero, and the studio retains the rights for several more years.
Pretty much every animated movie DC has ever made has gone straight to video. The only exception I can think of is Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and even that was originally intended for straight to video release -- and the fact that the film didn't turn a profit at the box office, didn't make its money back until it went to home video release probably makes Warner Bros./DC see animated films as too niche, and not intrinsically appealing enough for theatrical release.