MovieChat Forums > La isla mínima (2014) Discussion > Who Was That Woman On the Road?

Who Was That Woman On the Road?

There was a scene early in the movie when the detectives are driving at night and out in the middle of nowhere they pass a gorgeous, well-dressed woman walking in the opposite direction.

What was that all about?


I reckon it was the protester he had shot. As in, he was hallucinating, just like the bird in his room - a reference to his nickname as a torturer.


Was it Juan or Pedro who saw the woman though? I'll have to check. But I like your explanation, it had a very surreal quality when she was illuminated in the red car tail lights.


It was Pedro (not the Crow) who saw the girl. I didn't take anything too deep out of it. Just the danger the girl could be exposed to by walking an abandoned highway late at night.


It was Pedro (not the Crow) who saw the girl. I didn't take anything too deep out of it. Just the danger the girl could be exposed to by walking an abandoned highway late at night.


Maybe it was something to do with showing how complacent the local women were about their safety. Young girls have been murdered by an unknown killer yet this woman walks alone at night along a dark highway. But why would she? It was in the middle of nowhere as far as I remember. The surreal nature of the shot makes me question whether the woman was real.
