MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2015) Discussion > Terrible is being polite...

Terrible is being polite...

Waste of time, money and talent. Poorly written, predictable and just bad.


Have to agree, this is one big waste, most of these actors are able to take a lead but in this production the only one standing out is Pierce Brosnan. The dialogs are cringeworthy, the acting wooden but Pierce still does an outstanding job, remarkable even when taking the entire production into account. With a cast like this it could have been a brilliant movie all throughout but instead this is merely at the level of a decent b-movie.



Yes, I can't believe I actually watched this movie. It was awful, and nothing was remotely believable. Like some other comments, Brosnan was the only thing in this movie that was of any decency, but even an actor like him can't redeem this movie. A turd is a turd, no matter how much you try to polish it and make it into a Snickers.


what a waste of 20 million
