so stupid...

i hate it when the writers make the main character so dumb. I mean she is clearly someone well trained and has experience in the field. Even a moron wouldn't do the things she has done and would have better handled the situation.

im so done...gonna go watch something smart now which doesn't insult my intelligence.


Wow. I logged in here to type the same sentiments. How this gets over 3/10 is bizarre.


Yep, even though that I like the main actors... its painful to watch. 3/10


The ambassador was really stupid, and Angela Basett playing her made it look even worse. She gave orders to shoot her without definite proof, and blindly ignored a warning of a possible terrorist attack. I was hoping there be a scene in the end about the ambassador being held accounted for her irresponsibility and stupidity.

I dunno, am I supposed to sign here or what?


Couldn't happen. They'd never do that to a black character these days.


The ambassador was really stupid, and Angela Basett playing her made it look even worse. She gave orders to shoot her without definite proof, and blindly ignored a warning of a possible terrorist attack. I was hoping there be a scene in the end about the ambassador being held accounted for her irresponsibility and stupidity.
Yeah. I was wanting a scene that showed the ambassador owning up to her stupidity and ineptitude. What a moron she was.


im so done...gonna go watch something smart now which doesn't insult my intelligence.

My thoughts exactly, at around 3/4ths in(yea I can't believe I made it that far) I just couldn't handle anymore studity, I gave it a little room then a little more, but it just kept insulting me, insulting every branch of security in both the UK and US and insulting every human in general. I see bad films every day and I just move on unharmed, but this is one of those "special" kind of bad films, a greatly cast, adequately budgeted film with a sh!t for brains script that is the metaphoric equivalent to a cheese grater to the brain.

Absolutely no logical or realistic motivations from anyone in the film from the first seconds until the last seconds before I quit watching.


Actors not bad but casting director needs to find actors with higher IQs. Jovovich's fine shooting, posing, and blowing things up but an intel asset? Regardless of the script neither embassy personal or home office not that dumb.


Everything was absurd. The most wanted woman in London, with scars on her face, walks past two armed police officers in an airport and manages to board a flight, despite her face on all the news!


Don't forget she actually managed to check in to TWO flights! Which caused about 1 second of a delay in finding her.


They found out she was in NY after she had landed, which acording to google takes some 3 hours, not accounting costums and such.


Everything was absurd. The most wanted woman in London, with scars on her face, walks past two armed police officers in an airport and manages to board a flight, despite her face on all the news!
She reminded me of Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. I almost turned the movie off when she boarded that plane. The ability to get around as Most Wanted in movies is incredible!


Note the actors fault for at bad script. Its the writers and the directors fault for making the characters look stupid.


Yes! Bad, lazy writing, when se fought and killed Robert Forster character and them walked with the gun while people filmed her making her guilty was the worst, just like when a character find someone dead and a knife with blood on the floor and decides to pick it up...clichê.

Bring me a dream Burke,bring me a dream!


The most stupid thing she did was carrying around her ID with the tracker for the first full hour of the film, although she knew it was a tracker and thus they were able to track her with it which, eerrr.., they did. If Sam had not got rid of it for her she might have taken it with her to.. New York. Plot devices such as this which make zero sense, and are there solely to move the story forward, betray lazy, incompetent writing.

The film loses 2 entire points for that immensely stupid plot device alone. The directors are as good as their script, as it's said. V4Vendetta's script was almost flawless, and McTeague made the best use of it. Survivor's script was crappy though.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


The most stupid thing she did was carrying around her ID with the tracker for the first full hour of the film, although she knew it was a tracker and thus they were able to track her with it which, eerrr.., they did


$$, also, betting on the inscription at the end about law enforcement saving us from terrorist attacks, it was probably helped funded by the GOVT


I was watching this and thought - this could have easily been a Tom Cruise movie. And if I were, would I be so annoyed with the impracticality or plot holes? Nah, i would acknowledge them, knew what I was getting myself into, moved on and enjoyed the ride.

