The father ?

I've just finished rewatching the movie for the second time with my brother and realized something about the last appearance of the thing that's been following the protagonist : it took her father's shape whom I guess had passed away long ago. It struck me in a scene right after when there's a close-up on a family picture in a frame.

That's the reason why Jay didn't want to tell her sister what the creature looked like during the swimming pool scene.

I'm sure there's a link between the father's assumed death and the blood in the swimming pool but I can't put my finger on it... does anyone have a clue ?

It's hard to understand if they actually killed the thing or not... did she have sex with Paul because she wanted to be sure the thing was gone or was it a metaphore implying she finally had sex with the "right" guy (which was never the case before) ?


I'm not sure about the link, but I think they didn't the entity. I think Jay & Paul had sex at the end so that the entity won't have to go after her, even though he just made himself bait. I might be wrong, but it's what I think


I had this feeling all the way through (based on nothing really but my own thoughts) that It can only take the form of people who've had the curse in the past. We never see Jay's father so he could be dead, and he could've been killed by this curse.

Thinking about it though, then it wouldn't have taken the form of their friend at the beach. Ah well, it was an interesting thought while it lasted.
