Utterly juvenile premise results in an amateurish, silly movie
Wow. I feel duped. By which I mean that, sure, I could have just assumed this would be a dumb, highschool-ish horror movie, BUT, I heard some folks saying it was good... thus I devoted 90 minutes I will never get back.
Pretty sure I've never seen a dumber premise before... I need to put it into writing to believe that it's really what they made a movie about...
So... there's some sort of supernatural force that comes after you because you had sexual relations with someone. Bu,t if you then have relations with another person, it will go after them. Well THAT makes all kinds of sense, sure. ARE YOU FRIGGING SERIOUS?!?! How friggin dumb is that? And yet it's a movie?? Are you kidding me????
Oh, also, this whatever-it-is can, of course, take the form of anyone it wants! Oh, but it ONLY WALKS, and slowly, toward you... Again, makes tons of sense. Okie-doke, sure.
I mean, listen, I get it, some images or moving images are scary or creepy. But FOLKS, THEY HAVE TO MAKE SOME KIND OF SENSE or they fail to be genuinely creepy!!!!!!! Everything about the actual premise and plot of this movie is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. I seriously don't know what kind of crazy pills everyone must be taking to buy into this.
The whole thing just seemed so amateurish to me also. It almost seemed like a movie that Mystery Science Theater 3000 would show so they could make fun of it! There are shots that don't make sense... scoring that seems jarringly pasted on... strange dialogue... poor pacing... I could go on and on.
I don't want to say there NOTHING good... the cinematography and composition was at times well done, and parts of it are semi- scary or creepy. But again, it goes back to a premise that in no way is buyable AND that never gets filled in even close to satisfactorily throughout the running time of the movie.