MovieChat Forums > Risen (2016) Discussion > hour of total superbness and then down t...

hour of total superbness and then down to the drain

i was pretty suspicious when i started watching this. thought that it was going to be some massive religious propaganda. surprisingly it turned out very very well .......well the beginning. first hour was intriguing and historically interesting ....also superjob from actors. but then it turned from very good historically acted movie to poor mans lord of the rings. did the switch a director during moviemaking progress? did they started drinking? ......WHAT HAPPENED ? the scene when they arrive to the beach and cry for food. and then suddenly there is a perfectly good fishing boat???? did god or jesus made that boat to be there????? well he (the jesus) made nets full ....why not the boat alright. that was a total facelap. are the directors stoned that they dont understand how stupid that looks or did they think that "in those times there was always some ownerless boat waiting at the coast".

I am not talking about the christianity thing. mel gibsons movie for example was absolute masterpiece (and i am agnostic if anybody cares) and i dont mind people believing in manmade fairytales. what i have problem with is that totally good potential that started so well was so badly wasted. biggest problem is that scenario just turned from interesting and intriguing to stupid. thats it.


Kinda with you here. Taking the religion out of the film and watching it strictly as a cinematic experience, I think you and I were invested in the character and the mystery- I mean, it's a great dramatic concept: what would you do if you were forced to explain the unexplainable? The problem is, once our protagonist finds his quarry, the story didn't seem to know what to do with itself.

I thought the leper scene was a bit much. I would have preferred if the mystery was never fully solved. They should have left it up to the viewer to be either the cynic or to take a leap of faith.


... but then it turned from very good historically acted movie to poor mans lord of the rings ...
Hello, just what did you expect in a film called Risen about the risen Christ ... that he lies rotting in the ground with the other Jerusalem corpses?
... and then suddenly there is a perfectly good fishing boat????
It's their boat! The vast majority of the apostles were fisherman on the sea of Galilee, before they packed their robes and followed Jesus around. Peter talks about going back to their old stomping ground where he thinks Jesus will meet them. Sorry buddy, it's not Kevin Reynolds who's looking "stupid" here.🐭


Yeah just go fall on a knife a$$ hole. I hope some Muslim cuts your head off and gang bangs your corpse.


The film is exactly what it purports to be: an exploration of the transcendent mystery of the Resurrection as encountered by a Roman soldier. No Resurrection = no story. The OP haughtily opines:

i dont mind people believing in manmade fairytales

Wonder what he thinks about the manmade fairy tales of Scientism and materialism.

Be that as it may, the typical hubris of the "new atheist" (agnostic) does not save him from the ridiculous gaffe about the "mysterious" fishing boat. If he handles theology as sloppily as he does simple exposition, it is no wonder that he's an agnostic (tending toward atheism).

In brief, if movies about transcendence cause you to break out in hives, don't watch those kinds of movies. I mean, what's the point? If you hate whaling ships, sailors, and/or philosophically-inclined captains and officers, stay away from Moby Dick. Sheesh.
