MovieChat Forums > Risen (2016) Discussion > Film would have benefited with more myst...

Film would have benefited with more mystery and faith

I enjoyed this film but I think it was a missed opportunity. Through the film we have a Roman officer investigating the 'rising' of Jesus. And about half way through the movie he actually sees Jesus and later hangs out with Jesus and the disciples and even witnesses Jesus performing miracles.

I think it might have been more powerful if Clavius never clearly saw Jesus directly but only obliquely and through second hand reports. He could have met disciples and others who witnessed Jesus risen and his miracles and through them he could have become a believer. At most you could have the fishing scene where some figure shouts out to cast again but you never see for sure that the figure is Jesus, for example.

It could have been more powerful if Clavius became a believer through faith in hearing of the words and deeds of Jesus and not simply meeting someone who rose from the dead. You don't need much faith to believe that. I think that would have made for a more satisfying emotional and spiritual journey for the film.


Exactly. This is not a "faith film" - it's more "Gnostic", because it's based on experience. A transcendent, miraculous experience, granted, but still experience. Neither Clavius nor the disciples need faith in the risen Jesus, for the simple reason that the risen Jesus has become their daily companion - just has he was during his earthly lifetime, only now having been raised. No faith required. That would only come later, with subsequent Christians who did not personally see the risen Jesus.


Indeed. "Did Jesus rise from the dead?" is a such a profound and age old question. This film could have answered it with some art and mystery and even a message. Instead the answer was "yep, there he is, having a snack with his boyz"


Very well-said. In this film, the risen Jesus is just one of the good old boys. He doesn't exhibit any mystery or divinity. He's basically the same guy he was pre-Easter, only much less loquacious...


Yes. The Jesus of Life of Brian was far more impressive as an inspirational figure.


Yes Brian was shown..."doing things" all through the story whereas Risen's Jesus has already done his thing. Post-Easter, he's mostly just hanging out - very little teaching or healing, etc. is going on. I "get" Clavius' shock at seeing the guy who died showing up back among the living again, but without having seen and heard Jesus during his earthly ministry, Clavius has no clue as to his identity. He's just a miraculously-raised figure to this puzzled Roman soldier...

One of my favorite Jesus performances is Jurgen Prochnow in The Seventh Sign, where he plays Jesus as the returning Judge of the world. An interesting way of depicting the Second Coming. Prochnow really smokes in the role - as he tells Demi Moore, his first world appearance was as a "lamb"; but now he is back as a "lion", God's Avenging Angel - and I believe him! Not a very "important" film, but still worth watching, with good performances from Moore and movie hubby Michael Biehn.


Yes Brian was shown..."doing things"

Actually I was thinking more about how Jesus was portrayed in Life of Brian. Jesus was a distant and inspirational figure, like in the Sermon on the Mount scene (


D'oh! Boy, did I misread that! Sorry.

Yes, yes, I wished to hear a little more of that Jesus - great delivery of the Sermon. I suppose it would have dragged the film had he appeared in person more than once... but he did manage to put several appearances into Ben-Hur. Funny how Python's Jesus was such a wonderful, appropriate casting selection... "I would see more of him"...


Post risen Jesus didn't do much honestly, have you read the gospels? He and God did a few miracles in Acts but nothing more


Umm the disciples DOUBTED read Matthew 28 "but some doubted"
