MovieChat Forums > Risen (2016) Discussion > Loved the movie....but

Loved the movie....but

Would have like it even more if one:

They would have shown the angel moving the stone and scaring the soldiers.

After Jesus ascended into heaven, an angel asked the apostles why they were looking up into the sky....that would have been great if they had incorporated that into the know, because it really happened.

God loves you as if you were the only person on this earth.


I think Kevin Reynold's intent ws to present the story from Clavius', the Tribune's, piint of view. He wasn't there to see with his own eyes anything but what the film shows him seeing. With very few exceptions (such as the brief scene with the two soldiers guarding the tomb) Clavius is in every scene. The story involves a very pragmatic Roman investigating what on its face is a very human mystery -- who took the body?


Good points, not to mention that the NT itself never pictures or describes the actual Resurrection itself. People see the risen Jesus, angels, and the rolled-away stone, but they don't catch God/Jesus in the actual moving away of the stone and Jesus emerging from the tomb. Although, of course, he could have done, since in so many other Resurrection stories, Jesus passes through solid obstructions, appears/disappears at will, and levitates to heaven on a cloud. The "great stone" wasn't really a huge challenge for an exalted Being for whom "solid" matter was ultimately meaningless...
