MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > This truly is a dystopia

This truly is a dystopia

I mean, the world is controlled by UN. What a nightmare.


And a Social Democracy where 80% of the population is on welfare.


Is that in the series/novels? I have only seen first season so far.


In the novels, yes...


At least the story is reflection reality then, or more precisely the direction where the society appears to be going.


how is that bad?


What, living like cattle under full government control? Exchanging freedom for free food and free entertainment?
No, it's great.


"Exchanging freedom for free food and free entertainment?"

Freedom is contravened in what sense? You get free food, free lodging, free drinks, free amenities of various types plus entertainment. I say that's a great deal. Kind of like living in present day USA on welfare !


People of Earth in the books have very limited choices. Part of it is the overpopulation and the lack of employment due to technological advances. But at some point you start to understand that the system is rigged and just the political and business dynasties are staying on top and making choices for everyone.
That's not freedom.


Kind of like now eh?


Let's say, there are political forces that aim for such a society.


Trump is trying to establish his political dynasty. His business dynasty is already there.


Have you seen what's going on in Argentina lately?


Palm vs face!
And why did they shut this down?

Thank you Donald army


Be prepared to get this crap no matter which website you visit. Lots of trolls and fanatics everywhere online. Hard to even have a normal conversation about anything else without it rearing its ugly head.


Which is why there's no reason to shut down the forums


"Trolls, fanatics, rearing its ugly head." In case you didn't notice, I'm the one who started this thread, and it was meant as a political comment about UN, which has an undeserved reputation about being something good and positive. It is not. It has been a disaster for the western world, and their original purpose is long gone. Time to find a replacement, or let them move into a new headquarters in the muslim world, which at least would have been a more honest move.


What arrogance and paranoia. What the hell has Donald Trump to do with the message board closing? And no, it has definitely not something to do with serious posts, no matter how much you disagree with them. Or maybe you think a board can only be considered "serious" if it is a politically correct echo chamber.


I don't think it was ever intended to be dystopian. It's more classical sci fi. Dystopia is defined as "an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one". This isn't a world in which everything is bad, it's just a world where people are still acting the same way they do today in spite of having much more advanced technology. Everything "bad" in this world also exists in our world (wars, poverty, etc) just on a more limited scale.


Well, it was meant as a reference to the real life UN. In my eyes a world that is being dominated by UN is a dystopia.

But judging by the first season, that's the direction where they are heading.
