MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Are we really doing this right now?...

Are we really doing this right now?...

This BS with the police at the end as if we don't see enough of that on the news...I'm slowly beginning to leave this show behind.


I wonder why the police were anatgonizing dre.


Because he's black in a predominantly white neighborhood. Happens alot in real life. I hate to say it...but when I get lost or make a wrong turn on a secondary street in a predominantly white heart skips a beat a little because you never know what the residents may think....they see a young black woman driving a beat up car andmay instantly get paranoid.




I wonder why the police were anatgonizing dre

What else is new? A neighbor saw a black man getting into a house in an neighborhood where "he doesn't belong", calls the police and we all know what happens...

I like the way the scene was depicted in this episode. So well done and of course Andre was the best to play the role.

I am liking this season.


This show is similar to Law & Order in which they borrow their storylines from real life headlines. Do I like that? Not really, because I think Empire over does it.


It sounds like you're upset that the show is current and addressing things that are affecting the black community in real life...


Right? I knew Lee was going to touch on this because it is a hot issue and it is very relevant to the show given the cast. I thought it was very appropriate, though questioning in some areas, especially echoing what Lucious or Cookie said in season 1 about how it not matter what type of upscale life you lead and if you marry a white woman because they will always see a black man. If I remember correctly, Dre's head was in the clouds about that or he refused to accept it but now he's seeing the reality. No one should be suprised by the show touching on this.

So what exactly is your problem here? It's absolutely NOT "BS" if you're part of the targeted group or have had experience with that sort of situation. So either you're not black or a black living in ignorant bliss about what's really going on in the world outside of your bedroom.

Now what I found really weird was I'm sure most of the neighbors knew who Dre was and that he really did live there. How else did he get into the house? I'm also sure that EVERYONE knows who he is, who his father is, and that he isn't hurting for money. He has a pretty public life largely because of his family so how can they not know who he is? That he's not just some random black guy. ALSO, I'm sure Rhonda's death was all over the news and internet so unless they've been living under a large rock I don't get how they didn't know who he was.


If the OP is black then I kinda understand why they said what they said. It hurt for me to see this scene cause I see it everyday on the news, and plus it happened to andre who just can't seem to catch a break. It just made me sad, maybe OP felt the same?


You're absolutely right when you say he can't catch a break. It's as if he can never get the chance to recover from one tragedy to the next...smh. The writers need to allow Andre to have a positive thing happen to him for once. I think they are doing this for a reason; they know the actor can act his ass they seem to be trying to showcase his strengths with the very dramatic storylines.


That's definitely what happens to the better actors. They get all the heavy lifting. Andre is definitely be best out of the three brothers.


Very true. I hope he gets more recognition and awards


Yes this was exactly why. I'm super overwhelmed by what we are facing in reality that to see it pop up on this show now, it's like you can't escape this subject. It's heartbreaking to watch and just makes me feel things I'm frankly tired of feeling. Just my personal opinion though.


Yeah, this show is fun escapism and a relief from the heaviness. But Lee Daniels is the type to put what's on his mind in his projects be it a movie or a TV show.

I hope the issue doesn't take over the show though. This issue isn't entertaining to a lot of people and this isn't a problem solving show. Fake pain is easier to digest at night.


I agree that it was heartbreaking. My heart literally sank because this is very close to home for me. But I do respect Empire for going there and bringing an element of real life to the show.


I think it's an important story to tell. But, I don't know... the entire scene came off as being disingenuous. It's hardly ever a guy like Andre with a wealthy papi living in a affluent neighborhood... There's a different sort of racism and elitism he would face by people who are threatened by his position or looking to put him in his "place."


I think Empire is trying to be current. Even Blackish does eps like this one.


I'd like to see the Blackish episode. I have more faith in their writing, tbh...


That bs actually happens. Someone called police on someone I know for working in their own yard in a well to do area. Mind you that person had lived in that neighborhood for over 20 years which was long as the neigborhood had been around. And that pefson usually works in their yard.People should know who
their neighbors are and people should stop sticking their head in the sand. Its not going to go away even if people stop watching.


It's timely.... But I was all tensed up watching it: I was afraid they were actually going to shoot him.

Oh, maybe he'll have a decomp in jail and try to kill himself, like that girl did...



i had to mute the t.v. during the scene cuz i felt so bad for Dre and because it IS so current--

""The writers need to allow Andre to have a positive thing happen to him for once""

i know right? i said this last season, and they're certainly not letting up so far! 😢

hopefully he'll see some redemption by the end of the season....

*Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!*
