MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Anyone else bored ?

Anyone else bored ?

I feel like the show isn't progressing it's just getting boring


Bored? Are you kidding me? Last season had me bored until Rhonda was pushed down the stairs then it got boring again a few episodes after that.

This season I find very, very interesting. I am watching episode 3 now for about the 4th or 5th time. Things are progressing at least the way I find enjoyable.



Not bored no but I do understand what you mean about the show not progressing. It's like they've gone backwards this season the characters are all regressing back to who they were like there's been no growth whatsoever.

I think the show is stick in a bit of a rut creative wise. They seem to do the same thing year after year. We start the season with cookie and luscious as enemies at war with each other over some stupid
thing, then another enemy comes in at about the mid season point and forces them to work together, the season ends with luscious and cookie on okay terms then the beginning of next season they are back to war with each other about some stupid thing. All the while the FBI looking into either luscious or cookie has been a constant theme sinse season one with no resolve in sight it goes on and on. Character regression with hakeem back to being childish and immature and throwing temper tantrums and attacking people through his raps, Jamal once again trying to find himself and rediscover his voice and music sound familiar? Yeah they did exactly the same thing with him in season 1. Luscious is still the same arrogant dick he's always there's been no growth for him whatsoever. I guess nearly getting shot and nearly loosing his son had no real impact on him.

It's just going backwards and round in circles with characters and storylines. I still enjoy it but yes it is getting tiresome.


I said the same thing. How many storylines do we have to see with the "Faids" after Lucious or Cookie saying for the millionth time "Im done Lucious". The mother was a complete waste of plot. She was more interesting when we thought she was a bipolar loon who killed herself. All Leslie Uggams does is say something smart and look mean, then it goes to commercial. I find the Tyreek plot boring and thought it was boring to make him Lucious' brother all of a sudden. We all know Jamal is gonna sleep with his counselor eventually too. The only one I find interesting and keep you on your toes good is Andre.


I agree. I'm barely into season 2 on Hulu, and the soap opera quality of the show, along with the almost complete lack of progression. In character growth or personality by anyone, has left me cold and, yes, bored. Don't think I'll bother watching the rest of it, if it's still like this in season 3 like you say it is.

Obey My Dog! -Mugatu


I don't know that I am bored. But I not liking this season at all.


I think the problem is the main subject, and that's always Empire. Doesn't matter if it's about the board members, money, who is the new owner etc. They can't stray too far from it of course, but they need to find away to not make Empire the most important thing. Just last episode they had a fight and the next moment everyone is back and making music, without even trying to solve their problems. Even their family problems are discussed in the Empire meeting room.
