Lucious Lyon makes it boring.
I'm probably going to get some hate but i'm starting to find the show extremely boring. Non of the characters have really grown or had any character progression. They keep doing the same thing when it comes to story. Something goes wrong, lucious is the bad guy, everyone finds out and he gets away with it. Like i get the dude is your dad but surely it makes everything he does worse as family is meant to have your back more than anyone else.
They are back tracking with Andre and bringing up his mental problems instead of having hi s character actually grow.
Season 1 has jamal on the streets trying to make it then season 2 switches it and has hakeem trying to make it.
I was excited with the start of season 2. Hakeem starting his own label and showing some growth. He starts to focus and get serious. Jamal takes on his fathers role and the characters seem to start to have some major changes. But nah, Lucious gets back in control and everyone backs down like cowards around him.
And guess what... same thing happens in season 3 so far. Lucious does loads of bad stuff and no one bats an eye. He's the reason why his kid gets shot but never mind that. Lets just allow him to kidnap hakeem's baby and be okay with it.
I mean what has really changed since season 1? Hakeem is still a spoiled brat, jamal is gay and proud but nothing else. Andre was still trying to win his fathers approval and has mental issues and lucious is still worried about some small business problem with the cops after him.
I haven't watched the latest episode but i highly doubt it will change my mind on this show not actually going anywhere.