MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Tiana needs better management

Tiana needs better management

They do her ass so grime even though a real artist would've been left the *beep* company that is empire. 3 seasons and that girl has been on 1 tour that was cancelled, she's been back and forth between companies when lucious and cookie were having there weekly drama and not a question about what the hell her contract looks like ( I imagine a lot of typos and white out and probably on the back of a subway napkin). She has been robbed at knife point, when they their top artist ( whatever that means to them) recording in the hood. She gets standardized by the son of the freaking owner of the label. Most importantly why the actual *beep* is her cd still in production 3 seasons in? She should pack up her spandex and keep it movin lol.


They need to give her decent storyline. Its like she sings and is given little dialogue. Im starting to believe she got hired for her looks and not acting ability because she has yet to have a meaty story on this show.
