MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Taraji is at her best tonight (11/30)

Taraji is at her best tonight (11/30)

Girl can act her ass off.


I loved the cookie flashbacks with her father.


Except the flashbacks had nothing to do with TPH



huh? are saying the flashbacks did not match the storyline? Just curious . Thanks :-)


No. Saying Taraji wasn't acting in them. The actress playing the young Cookie was, so Taraji had nothing to do with them


Ok I see. Thanks



I actually thought she was too over the top in the episode. The actress playing young Cookie is really good. Taranji needs to tone it down again like she did a few episodes back. She was acting too crazy. The whole family was over the top stupid at the dinner. I know they're supposed to be "hood", but they know how to act better than THAT. These are very wealthy people. They should know how to turn the hood down when it's appropriate. It was buffoonery. Phylicia Rashad was phenomenal. Great job.

Actors are useless without the power of a good writer's imagination


Thank you!


I know they're supposed to be "hood", but they know how to act better than THAT. These are very wealthy people. They should know how to turn the hood down when it's appropriate. It was buffoonery.
I think it's interesting that you saw it as "buffoonery" and yet what happened during the dinner party, was no different than say a Modern Family episode, or, if you want to talk about wealthy people who should "know how to act better" a Fraiser episode. One of my all time faves of theirs is when they opened up a very fancy restaurant. Totally hilarious! Similar to What We May Be.

It's a classic TV trope that when you're trying to impress someone, all that can go wrong, will go wrong. Except Empire's writers added a twist at the end where everything eventually turned out okay for Cookie with Jamal singing a touching and beautiful song praising her and Luscious realizing that his attempts at sabotage were wrong and then making a prompt exit.

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.


The difference is Modern Family and Frasier are comedies, where buffoonery belongs and is expected. Rumor has it Empire is supposed to be a drama. Therefore, your comparison really makes no sense.


Oh yeah, that's so true, and dramas NEVER have comedy and comedies NEVER have drama.

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.


Nice try, but your comparison is still pointless. It wasn't supposed to be comedy, number one, and number two, it was still ghetto and bufoonish as hell, and not in any good or deliberately funny way. Deal with it.


"Nice try, but your comparison is still pointless. It wasn't supposed to be comedy, number one, and number two, it was still ghetto and buffoonish as hell, and not in any good or deliberately funny way. Deal with it."


Actors are useless without the power of a good writer's imagination


No it wasn't pointless, and just because you say it is, doesn't make it so. Deal with that.

This episode had SEVERAL comedic overtones in it, not just the dinner. One of the two writers has written a comedy screenplay. So clearly, it was supposed to be a comedy episode. This basic fact obviously went over your head.

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.


Yeah, it was pointless. You're just too blind to understand it. And you think it's a "basic fact" because one writer has written a comedy screenplay, the episode was "clearly" supposed to be comedic? That's beyond idiotic. It's like saying someone who wrote a horror screenplay means everything else he/she writes to be horror. Pathetic you cannot grasp how amazingly stupid that is. To use your own dumb-ass words, just because you say it is doesn't make it so. (You obviously have no clue where to use commas, either).

Nice try with the "over your head" comment, but you're clearly an imbecile. And you have to live with that. Sucks to be you.


 So typical, can't form a sound argument, so you have to resort to insults. And if you were wondering, your insults mean NOTHING to me. But, nice showing your ass!!

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.


I think it's interesting that you saw it as "buffoonery" and yet what happened during the dinner party, was no different than say a Modern Family episode, or, if you want to talk about wealthy people who should "know how to act better" a Fraiser episode. One of my all time faves of theirs is when they opened up a very fancy restaurant. Totally hilarious! Similar to What We May Be.

It's a classic TV trope that when you're trying to impress someone, all that can go wrong, will go wrong. Except Empire's writers added a twist at the end where everything eventually turned out okay for Cookie with Jamal singing a touching and beautiful song praising her and Luscious realizing that his attempts at sabotage were wrong and then making a prompt exit.

You just put a big smile on my face with your post. Everything does not need to be over analyzed as others have tried to do with this episode.

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama


I love to smile and it makes me smile big when I know I brought a smile to another's face! 

All insults will be interpreted as an admission that you cannot contribute to the discussion.


This was arguably one of the best scenes of the season. So much for Cookie going through all the trouble of preparing the dinner for Angelo's mom.

I have always loved the writers for one reason; they always keep Cookie REAL. At the end when everything seemed to have fallen apart thanks to Lucious and the seafood allergy problem, Cookie stood tall and declared herself, HERSELF.
 
Yep, I was literally cheering when she clearly stated that despite all the flaws of her family, she will not want to change anything and they will stay who they are.

That's exactly how I feel we should all approach life. Instead of trying to change to please people, BE YOURSELF AND STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.It was a feel good moment for me and it was a wonderful ending to a chaotic evening.

All those complaining that Cookie is acting "ghetto" and the writers should have her polish up. Why? Angelo's mom respected her all the more for that and even encouraged her to keep that light burning.

Great scene and great acting by all the cast. Cookie was truly great in this.


Have to was a very poorly and lazily-written scene, as well as those leading up to it.

First, Cookie misses meeting Angelo's mom and shows up drunk; ghetto

Then she decides to have a dinner and redecorates the entire apartment to try to impress her, but never thinks to check with Angelo to see if there are any foods his mom can't eat or doesn't like -- not believable

She also tries to force her sons to be there on a day or so notice, saying "I never ask for anything" (a blatant lie) and not accepting they may have made other plans important to them (Andre) -- selfish and forced

On the big night, she wears an outfit that's partially inappropriate for the occasion...far too tight for someone her age and that ridiculous huge flower; ghetto again

Then all the nonsense starts; the mom can't eat the meal, one kid shows up high, the other shows up with a kid, and Lucious shows up with Anika and starts the litany of Lyon dysfunction; still more ghetto.

Then the meal is apparently forgotten, and Cookie announces there's peach cobbler "and cold duck to wash it down with" -- ghetto again

Then the high son just happens to have a new song ready to sing that just happens to be about his mom, and it miraculously just happens to make Lucious feel shamed enough to leave. -- cliche and not believable

Then Cookie goes on the whole tear about her family and who she is and how she wouldn't change a thing blah blah blah -- pure cliche out of screenwriting 101.

And finally, the mom just happens to 1) have come from a shady past herself and 2) just happens to be comfortable enough with a woman she just met, someone she wouldn't approve of normally in any way, to share that with her, and everything is pretty much made all better and mom suddenly respects her -- more total screenwriting 101 cliche.

Sorry; the acting was mediocre and the writing lazy as hell. Like the writers didn't even try to be original; just went to the old screenplay graveyard and dug up the same bones that have been used in films since silent days.


Sorry; the acting was mediocre and the writing lazy as hell. Like the writers didn't even try to be original; just went to the old screenplay graveyard and dug up the same bones that have been used in films since silent days.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and just say you didn't like the scene. Personally I totally disagree with everything in your quote. It seems like you want the story to go a certain "forced" way and you are not happy with how things played out.
Now here is my take:

For one thing, YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE PEOPLE especially adults. People can try to change but the change often never sticks or it comes across as forced or fake.

First, Cookie misses meeting Angelo's mom and shows up drunk; ghetto

Cookie missing her meeting with Angelo's mom was never intentional. First of all the emotional pictures Jamal showed her upset her and she may have been crying uncontrollably after that and didn't want to be seen in such a state.

Also, Cookie has been hesitant about meeting Angelo's mom probably because she felt she only wanted to check her out and Cookie knows that they both come from different worlds and she may not approve of her and her past. Cookie has never showed much interest in hooking up with Angelo in the first place because of the reasons I just mentioned.

Now being drunk has NOTHING TO DO with being ghetto and that is a ridiculous connection to make. We all know stories about rich and famous people being drunk and trashing hotel rooms all the time so spare Cookie with that crap talk.

Then she decides to have a dinner and redecorates the entire apartment to try to impress her, but never thinks to check with Angelo to see if there are any foods his mom can't eat or doesn't like -- not believable

Nothing wrong with redecorating your house to impress friends, family or in-laws. A lot of people do that all the time.
It was Angelo's place to have told Cookie about her mom's allergies. Cookie can't think everything up. If you don't have people around with food allergies, that would obviously be the last thought in your mind. Angelo FAILED Cookie in that regard especially since they talked about planning the dinner together.

She also tries to force her sons to be there on a day or so notice, saying "I never ask for anything" (a blatant lie) and not accepting they may have made other plans important to them (Andre) -- selfish and forced

What's wrong with wanting her sons to meet Angelo's mom? Isn't that what that was supposed to be about, for her to get a feel about Cookie's world and family? Cookie spent 17yrs in jail for her family's sake the least the selfish boys could do was be there for her. It ended up well with Jamal performing one of his best songs and Angelo's mom was impressed.

On the big night, she wears an outfit that's partially inappropriate for the occasion...far too tight for someone her age and that ridiculous huge flower; ghetto again

This was not some dinner in Buckingham palace. It was a nice dinner AT HER HOME and her outfit was just fine and I like that flower. Nothing to do with ghetto.

Then all the nonsense starts; the mom can't eat the meal, one kid shows up high, the other shows up with a kid, and Lucious shows up with Anika and starts the litany of Lyon dysfunction; still more ghetto.

If you didn't get the whole drama about this scene, then I honestly don't know why you bother to watch the show. This scene was THE HIGHLIGHT of the episode. If you consider it ghetto, that's your take but it was FANTASTIC with lots of humour.
It's true that Jamal is on some drugs and high, Hakeem has a baby with Anika, Lucious is married to Anika, and Andre has bipolar. Where is the lie?..

Then the meal is apparenbtly forgotten, and Cookie announces there's peach cobbler "and cold duck to wash it down with" -- ghetto again

Coldnaps, did you actually watch this show? Do you know why the meal was forgotten? Let me explain: The meal was forgotten because Angelo remembered to tell Cookie at that last minute that his mom was deathly allergic to seafood, which was all what Cookie had had prepared. Now unless you wanted Angelo's mom to end up dead in that apartment, I think it was wise for Cookie to serve up something else instead. Don't you think?

Then the high son just happens to have a new song ready to sing that just happens to be about his mom, and it miraculously just happens to make Lucious feel shamed enough to leave. -- cliche and not believable

At this point, I am inclined to believe that you didn't watch this show or probably watched without audio. Jamal already played this song to Cookie along with those old videos about Cookie and her family which made Cookie too upset to meet with Angelo's mom in the first place. The song was already done and ready. It was the second time I was hearing that song Jamal sang in this episode. Please go and re-watch. You probably missed a lot.

Then Cookie goes on the whole tear about her family and who she is and how she wouldn't change a thing blah blah blah -- pure cliche out of screenwriting 101.

And finally, the mom just happens to 1) have come from a shady past herself and just happens to be comfortable enough with a woman she just met, someone she wouldn't approve of normally in any way, to share that with her, and everything is pretty much made all better and mom suddenly respects her -- more total screenwriting 101 cliche.

Lucious came in and embarrassed the family with his tear downs so Cookie has to stand up and make her family look good. It's what she does and has always done. You make the best out of a bad situation.

A lot of people came from humble beginnings so you are ridiculous to think that Angelo came from a generation of rich people. That is so ignorant. I applaud Angelo's mom for coming clean about her own family's past instead of trying to hide it. She respected Cookie more because Cookie was true to herself and accepted her family for who they are instead of trying to be this FAKE bourgeois.

Everything the Lyons do will always be ghetto to you Coldnaps and I don't think that will ever change.
So far, I am enjoying the Lyon saga.


Everything the Lyons do will always be ghetto to you Coldnaps and I don't think that will ever change.

Way to assume...congrats, you succeeded in making an ass of yourself with that bullsh!t alone.

You talk about the show as if it's real people, which is truly sad. Hate to break it to you, but it's make believe. And a number of the characters are straight-up ghetto, Cookie #1.

But you're one of those who will obviously defend the show no matter what, so enjoy your opinion.

What isn't an opinion is that the writing was lazy and cliched. That's fact.

And btw...
Nothing wrong with redecorating your house to impress friends, family or in-laws. A lot of people do that all the time.

How many people do you know personally who do this "all the time?" And it wasn't to impress a friend. She didn't even know the woman.


You talk about the show as if it's real people, which is truly sad. Hate to break it to you, but it's make believe. And a number of the characters are straight-up ghetto, Cookie #1.

Well if it's make believe then why get so hung up about a character being ghetto? Get over it already. This is a show based on a character who grew up in the ghetto. What did you expect? It is only make believe so there! Enjoy it for what it is.

But you're one of those who will obviously defend the show no matter what, so enjoy your opinion.

Of course I'll defend the show because it is my favorite and gives me the kind of entertainment I enjoy. It's not a crime. Go to other movie boards and you'll see lots of die-hard fans doing the same about their shows.
If you criticize a show it helps if you actually watched the show, paid attention and say things about the episode that are true. You can't assume issues were not covered when they were actually clearly addressed on the show.

How many people do you know personally who do this "all the time?" And it wasn't to impress a friend.

I know guys who have actually re-vamped their whole apartment just to impress a girl, couples who have done that just to give an impression to an in-law that they were actually wealthier than they claimed to be, people trying to climb the social ladder trying to prove to their rich friends that they fit in, e.t.c. If you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

She didn't even know the woman

Oh! Coldnaps, you once more prove here that you did not watch the show. If you did, you would have seen Cookie's uppity sister Candace trying to teach her how to behave on the table, what kind of woman Angelo's mom was and the social class she belongs in, quotes from Maya Angelo, how to speak, what to say, e.t.c.
That's how Cookie knew what kind of re-decorating was needed in her apartment. She just didn't go out there and pick any brand of furniture. She picked a specific brand because she was BRIEFED.
Cookie was trying to impress a possible future mother-in-law who was upper class, not just any friend. She didn't have to, but she felt she had to try her best. Nothing wrong with that.

Please re-watch the show and don't hate us for liking it. We are just fans of Empire with or without flaws.😁


Well if it's make believe then why get so hung up about a character being ghetto? Get over it already.

Well, if it's make believe then why get so hung up about a character NOT being ghetto? Get over it already.

I know guys who have actually re-vamped their whole apartment just to impress a girl, couples who have done that just to give an impression to an in-law that they were actually wealthier than they claimed to be, people trying to climb the social ladder trying to prove to their rich friends that they fit in, e.t.c.

Yeah, I know a few people that have done the same thing. But knowing one or two who have is a far cry from your claim of knowing people who do it "all the time." If you can't be accurate in your words, don't say them

Oh! Coldnaps, you once more prove here that you did not watch the show. If you did, you would have seen Cookie's uppity sister Candace trying to teach her how to behave on the table, what kind of woman Angelo's mom was and the social class she belongs in, quotes from Maya Angelo, how to speak, what to say, e.t.c. That's how Cookie knew what kind of re-decorating was needed in her apartment. She just didn't go out there and pick any brand of furniture. She picked a specific brand because she was BRIEFED. Cookie was trying to impress a possible future mother-in-law who was upper class, not just any friend. She didn't have to, but she felt she had to try her best. Nothing wrong with that.

Oh I most definitely saw the show. Again, you assumed and again made an ass of yourself. First off, if you;re mentioning someone, you should know their proper's Maya Angelou, not Angelo. And just FYI, it's etc, not e.t.c. Yeah, I saw Cookie's sister, and I also saw Cookie attempting to be high-class and failing. And "possible future mother-in-law?" Project unrealistically much? They haven't even said they love each other yet. She was simply trying to pretend she's better than she really is. That's the real truth. Lucious said it best in the first or second show..."You don't walk in here looking and acting like a hood rat." And beneath it all, that's what Cookie is.

And as far as her kids being there, as she's always saying, they're grown. Maybe she should allow for the fact that some had plans that night they couldn't break. Trying to guilt them is childish and selfish.

I don't hate the show at all, or I wouldn't watch it. But I'm not naive enough to automatically think everything in it is perfect or believable. And in this episode, the writing was lazy and cliche. Still a fact.


They haven't even said they love each other yet. She was simply trying to pretend she's better than she really is. That's the real truth. Lucious said it best in the first or second show..."You don't walk in here looking and acting like a hood rat." And beneath it all, that's what Cookie is.

Oh! I can't believe I got caught up in this conversation.

I get it now.....YOU DON'T LIKE COOKIE!!!! I should have known this.

Cookie is queen of Empire and with lots of fans too and she is not going anywhere or changing for anybody.



No, you STILL don't get it. What I don;t like is lazy, cliched, unimaginative writing. The only character on the show I dislike is Hakeem, who frankly I wish would be killed off. He's an entitled whiny little POS. I don't dislike Cookie at all, but that doesn't mean I don't think she is and will always be a hood rat, no matter how much dressing she puts on the salad.


Oh! Coldnaps, you once more prove here that you did not watch the show. If you did, you would have seen Cookie's uppity sister Candace trying to teach her how to behave on the table, what kind of woman Angelo's mom was and the social class she belongs in, quotes from Maya Angelo, how to speak, what to say, e.t.c.
That's how Cookie knew what kind of re-decorating was needed in her apartment. She just didn't go out there and pick any brand of furniture. She picked a specific brand because she was BRIEFED.
Cookie was trying to impress a possible future mother-in-law who was upper class, not just any friend. She didn't have to, but she felt she had to try her best. Nothing wrong with that.

And Actually, Candace was the one who pretty much did all the re-decorating and told Cookie to hide all of her furs. Also, I want to go back to something Coldsnaps said in an earlier post about Cookie being drunk when she arrived to meet Angelo. Cookie was not drunk at all! I don't know what show he/she is watching, but it's most certainly isn't Empire!


Coldsnaps said in an earlier post about Cookie being drunk when she arrived to meet Angelo. Cookie was not drunk at all! I don't know what show he/she is watching, but it's most certainly isn't Empire!

Yep that's why I felt like fool engaging with him. Reading his posts, it's full of insults, name-calling, and complete inaccuracies about the storylines. He just enjoys criticizing Empire and throwing insults....LOL!!!

What a waste of my time.


He just enjoys criticizing Empire and throwing insults....LOL!!!

And apparently you just enjoy lying and pulling BS out of your butt...LOL!!! You could really benefit from a reading comp course.

What a complete waste of your time...refusing to acknowledge faults in a TV show.


1. Doesn't matter WHO actually did the redecorating; Cookie was the one who ordered it done.

2. She was most definitely drunk or high and loud.


Everything you just said! Clearly, he/she didn't watch the episode because half of their "points" didn't make any sense!


They made perfect sense. You just refuse to admit it or can't see it.


Stop trolling


Tbh, fine as Andre is--Taraji is really the only thing that keeps me watching. Kills it in every damn scene.

Remember when message boards used to be fun?


She and Terrence make a good couple; good chemistry.
