MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Good Episode with lots of SCHEMING!!!

Good Episode with lots of SCHEMING!!!

I just can't with this episode with all the scheming that went on. It was quite fascinating and I thoroughly enjoyed the unexpected.

-Andre, Andre, Andre has really gone down the gangsta path. I just can't believe the lengths Andre will go to just to get to the top with Nessa. Chopping off little girl's hair, sabotaging Tiana, sweet-talking his mama to get Nessa in Tiana's room are just some of the stunts Andre managed to pull off successfully. Did Nessa secretly record Tiana's tirade? I wonder.

-Anika Oh! dear. She really didn't have to smash all those expensive vases and décor just to get Lucious to do what she wants.

-Mama Lucious. Whose side is she on? Lucious or Tariq? The way that woman plays the game, I'm not sure I know who she is going to bring down. She is not as mentally ill as her sons think she is. I mean that woman is as lucid as they come when she talks about her schemes...LOL!!!

-Jamal discovering that his father was triggering his PTSD decides to hold a family therapy session only for things to get worse. More secrets are revealed!

The saga continues next week. This is getting very interesting.


I just can't with this episode with all the scheming that went on. It was quite fascinating and I thoroughly enjoyed the unexpected.

It was an excellent episode.

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama
