Andre really has let go of any kind of affection or yearning for the smallest ounce from that thing called luscious. He has been treated like straight up trash and I am tired of seeing it.
Everything he has endured
1.father telling him he is an embarrassment because of a disease he can't control.
2.Being passed over for control of empire, though proving he is more than capable unlike Hakeem.
3.Losing child and then his wife.
4.witnessing wife fall to her death.
5. Knowing the bytch who caused miscarriage is married and living with his father, who is doing nothing to punish her for that.
6. Cookie seemingly only paying attention to him when she needs something.
7. Seeming no real friends or any for that matter, only business acquaintances.
I really hope he does at least get revenge on Anika, she needs to be snuffed out.
This is what I have been saying from the get go. If andre is turning against his family then he has a reason too. His family has been pretty bad him. He isnt the musical genius of the family but he is smart but he gets no credit for being smart.
He's suffered a lot but really no more than the rest of them. Well except for Hakeem that boy has always had it easy.
Cookie was 1-booted out of her home 2- then days later her father died. 3- She took the fall for luscious and went to jail for him for a long time. 4- she was trashed and treated badly by hakeem after her release 5- also treated poorly by luscious and his precious anika after her release 6- Then booted out of the company she helped build by luscious 7- now luscious does everything he can to hurt her and her future potential happiness with another man.
Luscious 1- came from a broken family, 2- his deranged mother abused him 3- he was out on the streets fending for himself at a very young age.
Jamal 1- physically beaten and abused by his father his entire life for being gay, including being thrown into a trash can when he was a child. 2- suffered severe emotional abuse due to his sexuality which he still suffers from Luscious to this day. 3- he was dumped by his boyfriend 4- he was nearly shot and killed in a recording studio due to Andre's manipulations and attempt at a power grab. 5- His boyfriend Michael cheated on him 6- his father told him that he hated him and that he couldn't wait until he died of aids so he could dance on his grave. 7- he was shot and nearly killed by Freda, 8- he was cruelly manipulated by Freda and luscious, 9- also neglected by cookie and only seen as valuable to his family if he's singing otherwise they view him as nothing without his musical talent as evidenced by luscious threatening to drop him from empire, 10- he is suffering from psd and a very dangerous drug addiction which he again nearly died from and stems from his shooting and almost death as well as luscious treatment of him.
I know people like to pretend that Andre is the only one that has suffered, in an attempt to justify his apalling behaviour. But he is not the only one who has suffered or the one who has suffered the most. Also having no friends does not equal suffering. None of them have any friends. The only friend Jamal had was Freda and she shot and almost killed him.
No matter how badly others treat you that does not give you the right to then harm others who have never done any wrong or very little wrong by you. Cookie while not being mother of the year to any of them has her own struggles and has been through her fair share of pain but you don't see her plotting to kill her own family. Jamal has been nothing but supportive of Andre his whole life. He suppprted andre through his unborn childs death along with cookie and Hakeem but sure try to pretend that cookie never cares about Andre. jamal was also the one person who was there for him through Rhonda's death and how does Andre thank him? By hacking empire and erasing all of Jamal's new music.
Andre may be justified in his hatred for luscious but the simple fact is he is now becoming luscious. Just as bad, vindictive evil and willing to hurt his family in order to get what he wants. All his moral high ground is now gone and he has no leg to stand on. Once you become the monster you can't cry and go boo hoo I'm doing all this because he hurt me and i've suffered so that justifies all the bad things I'm doing now. He is now doing the same bad things and more to others who don't deserve it. Including that innocent little girl who he violated by chopping off her hair as she slept. So I feel no sympathy for him whatsoever.
He has allowed his father to turn him into the very thing he hates the very mirror image of luscious. The fact that he has let himself be manipulated to this darkness shows just how weak he is. True strength is shown by those who suffer tremendously but don't allow that suffering to change them or turn them into a monster. Basically Jamal as he through all the suffering refuses to sink to luscious level and become like him. He is the strongest and has remained the strongest and kindest through all the suffering. That's where true sympathy belongs.
But even with everything you said about everyone struggling it still doesnt give them to right to ignore andre. The next day after rhonda had died, where was the family at work, instead of over to andre's comforting him because music, work and money is all that family cares about. Cookie never gives a damn about andre, unless she needs him, for instance the dinner to meet angelo's mother. She only wanted him there to make a good impression for woman I felt like wasnt even worth it because she was an uppity bitch You see how the family all came together at the end to send jamal to rehab because they can't allow their money maker go under but poor andre has been losing it for awhile now and the family has no clue because they don't spend enough time with him to give a damn.
I get the luscious and cookie both went through hell growing up and even in their adult life but it doesnt give the right to be sh!tty parents. All those boys are pretty much screwed because of their upbringing to be honest. Yes, luscious provided his family with wealth and fame but its the things that matter the most like love and respect that he can't offer and cookie is not exactly the best candidate for giving it herself atleast to all her sons.