MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Glorifying ghetto behaviour

Glorifying ghetto behaviour

Why would anyone want to watch a show that glorifies behavior that should be disdained by anyone who is remotely civilized? These people are animals and act like animals and should not be the subject of a television show other than one that displays how not to behave. This show displays everything that is wrong with America.


It's entertainer lighten up seriously. But if you are going to play that game well then there should be no murder shows on tv so goodbye How to Get Away With Murder. I mean teaching people how to murder now that's an atrocity.

What's wrong with America is Donald Trump and millions of brainless morons who voted him in. Racism, murder, violence, terrorism. These are real serious issues. Not some ghetto characters on a tv show. Seriously grow up and educate yourself about the real world rather than blaming fiction for the worlds problems.


Shut the Phuk up, CVNT.


Now that's a well thought-out reply! LOL! How long is your parole this time, loser?


OP: Like it or not many people act like the Lyons minus the theatrics. This show is a reflection of that. It is not glorifying any particular behavior anymore than Roseanne and Archie Bunker did when they represented blue collar white people. Most of the country is NOT educated and refined. This is why we now have an idiot in the White House. If it bothers you this much just don't watch the show.

Actors are useless without the power of a good writer's imagination


What bothers me is that children will grow up believing that this is acceptable behavior, or worse, desired behavior.


"What bothers me is that children will grow up believing that this is acceptable behavior, or worse, desired behavior."

It's their parents' jobs to tell them it isn't. Unfortunately, most of their parents are just as ignorant thus the generations keep getting more and more intellectually challenged. Yes, it's a very sad thing, but it's reality. Once again, this country just elected Donald Trump President. Just a few years ago he never would have even made it to the Primary. The country has become a sea of fools led by a Con Man. Current entertainment on television is a major reflection of the sad era we now live in.

Actors are useless without the power of a good writer's imagination
