Lifeless and derivative
This film is generic, but it didn't have to be lackluster. Plenty of filmmakers have found ways to take hoary plots and make them into something special. On paper, John Wick was just another standard revenge thriller. But with directors Chad Stahelski & David Leitch and star Keanu Reeves, it became one of the most memorable, stylish action films of the last decade. Travolta may not always pick the best parts, but he’s often a good to great actor (anyone who doubts this needs to pop-in Blow Out, ASAP). And even when he’s slumming it in lesser fare, he can still be a hoot (see last year’s forgettable Criminal Activities; or better yet, don’t). Yet he seems at odds with I Am Wrath. There’s no real sense of his character’s bloodthirsty drive for revenge, nor is there a hint at any inner moral turmoil. He’s just some guy killing people: