MovieChat Forums > Vinyl (2016) Discussion > Vinyl - Works all way round (spoilers)

Vinyl - Works all way round (spoilers)

As TV series go, Vinyl works all the way round. Compared to something like Magic City or Billions, there is no comparison. In Billions the stars never convince they are real, unrealistic, spouting dialogue that sounds just like that - dialogue, not real life. In Vinyl it is easy to accept that Bobby Cannavale and Ray Romano and Juno Temple are actual record/music players circa 1970s. Bobby Cannavale drives Vinyl like it were a freight train, plowing through everything. At no time does he seem to be going over the top, despite the ridiculousness of some of his antics. The misogyny is difficult to sit through however it comes off as keeping with the temper of those times. Cannavale's father (the reject from the Sopranos who was murdered by Tony's sister Janice) plays his usual rotten obnoxious self, the one-note, the only note this particular actor is capable of. Ray Romano, outfitted with a dangerous hook of a nose, easily holds his own among the many strong performances in Vinyl. He is well-seasoned from his nine seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond, and completely believable. Some of the action in a few of the episodes could have been pared back, such as the extended time spent with the Warhol bi-sexual and guy who kept asking for a hotdog. Another strong performance was Juno Temple, electrifying every time she is on screen, total believably. Despite the strong first season, Vinyl should probably wrap it up with one two-hour episode next year. Like all the other pay cable series, it will likely go down hill with every new season, characters and plot get worn out needing recourse to more and more excess and incredible story to continue. Nonetheless this first eleven hours worked. Give it an A all around and an A+ for the acting, especially Bobby Cannavale and Juno Temple.


Yes, I too prefer Vinyl to Magic City.
Magic City just never worked for me.
The producers of Magic City went to so much trouble with those grandiose sets, (which were, indeed, gorgeous!) but the plots themselves, just did not work, somehow.
Anyhow, I think that Vinyl has a better opportunity to attract more viewers next Season, than Magic City did during it's 2nd Season.


"... the guy who kept asking for a hot dog...." Do you have any idea what that episode was a out?


I must disagree with thinking that this perfect show should stop with a 2 hour wrap up.
Like The Sopranos, it should go on, and on, and on!
Anything produced by Martin Scorcese and written and directed by the people behind The Sopranos should be seen as what it is, true masterful television production.
And people saying that this show should focus more on the women and be less misogynist should remember what the 70s really were like. I think having Marty and Mick as producers can give anyone a lesson on how the 70s truly were like.
I have yet to find a character I didn't like (or liked to hate) in this show, after 10 episodes.
Bobby Cannavale and Juno Temple and Olivia Wilde are all captivating to watch.
I say bring on season 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6!
I will be watching.
Thank GOD for HBO!



He is good enough, he excels at it. And spare us the f bombs.


I don't see the big deal about Cannevale's acting. Sure, he's a good actor. But I don't get the love for him that he is this exceptional actor above the rest. As you said, he was given a plum role. The role and the writing have so much to do with it. I can see many other actors playing this same role. It's nothing that showcases Cannavale as this exceptional amazing actor.


Maybe another could have done the part, why not? However it WAS Cannavale who ACTUALLY performed the part, not somebody else. His performance drove the show and made it what it was. The other actors, especially Ray Romano and Juno Temple, also made a big difference. Put them all together and it made for an entertaining and memorable series.


His performance drove the show and made it what it was

that's the point I'm making - I don't agree that it was foremost his performance that "drove the show". I think it was the writing and performances of many people on the show. To be honest, he could be quite annoying and over-the-top a lot of the time. I would say the writing and execution of the show is why it was entertaining, not specifically his performance. If anything, some of the other actors (such as Juno, and the actors that played Lester and some of the others) had me more interested than Cannavale.
