MovieChat Forums > Vinyl (2016) Discussion > Liberal journalists are trying to sabota...

Liberal journalists are trying to sabotage the show.

I've been trying to put my finger on why a great show keeps getting these melodramatic negative reviews, and I think I've figured it out. It's just standard liberalism and SJW hate towards anything that offends their delicate sensibilities.


This review has several idiotic gripes about "casual sexism" or "misogyny", and complains about the show not doing anything with Devon's character--as though sexism doesn't exist in the real world, or that female characters don't count if they are housewives. Typical liberal nonsense.

"Add in Jamie's humiliation as the cause of the Bits breakup, Cece's fleeting "get me some coffee" scene, and the minimal presence of Andrea, and Vinyl goes out the way it came in: Barely defining or even acknowledging its female characters."

More liberal idiocy. The show devoted probably half of its run-time to its female characters, but that's not enough for liberals. And the mere fact that the show has anything negative happen to any of its female characters at any point--even though this is fiction, and set in the 70s--is simply too much for liberals to handle.

I could go on and on...literally, just online and pick any random review, and I'd bet money you'll find SJW whining in 9 out of 10 of them. IGN is the only site that seems to be somewhat fair.

reply are saying that having an opinion that differs from yours is "Idiocy"? How dare people have the right to their opinions as you put yours on a message board



I think complaining that a piece of fiction (set in the 70s, no less) has some sexism/racism/homophobia is objectively idiotic. These things exist. It's reality. But they bring it up in their review in order to knock the show, as though the show is flawed because some of its characters do mean things.

Think about it: In order to appease these reviewers, the show's writers would either have to omit anything that's offensive, or they would have to balance every offensive thing with some morality message about how it's wrong. This is no different from uptight Christians getting mad at sexual content and the like.


You lose all credibility when you believe the term "SJW" has any meaning as a pejorative.

I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait


You lose all credibility when you suggest that SJW doesn't have a pejorative meaning.



Blaming someone else for this trainwreck is all fine and dandy but the show pretty much sucks. The finale was disappointing after an uneven season.



But then you watched the whole season. You're a MORON THEN, so you can't be taken seriously. The show is great and better than anything else on tv right now


The show is great and better than anything else on tv right now

And you shouldn't be taken seriously either. The show is okay, but it isn't even the best show on it's own network let alone all of TV.


Dude, you need to get your head out of your ass. Ok, so you may think GOT is better, I'll give you that but then that's just a fantasy story. Vinyl is a period I lived through and it gets it right. What are 18 years old??? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a millennial


Methinks you are the one whose head is up your ass if you think this show is better than Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, Veep, Last Week, True Detective (even with a subpar second season). You are just biased since you lived through the era.

And yes, I am 18. All 18 year olds were old enough to sign up for this site 11 years ago. 


The fact that you think Veep is good proves you're a Phuktard. And if you knew how to read I gave you GOT you DOLT! Saw Silicon myself last week and it's funny but nothing near the quality of Vinyl. Now go back to your Transformers movies



Harsh man. You could've just called the guy a moron. No need to call him a MORON THEN.


This episode didn't even feature Devon at all but yeah the females aren't reslly filled out that well.
They could lampshade it as the sign if the times that women were often marginalized ala Mad Men,but i think the show is just too absorbed with male machismo.
Also when the show premiered it got great reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.
It woukd be nice to see more attention paid to the female characters just to balance the raging id of Richie.


When you say you are trying to figure out why a great show gets bad reviews. Well I need to disappoint you that the issue is not with the critics or the reviewers but the show itself.

Mainly its writing, its introducing characters one after another that are either contribute nothing to the story line or doing a cheap job by filling in screen time just because you have to pay actors so you might as well give theme screen time.

Jamie's character - stars good and ends good. But what about the other 8 episodes in between that were completely lost on the character. A few scenes where she supplies sex/drugs to the musicians isnt really character development. Her being kicked out of the house, do we really care. She already slept with Kip so its not like she became his muse after being kicked out of the house. Show us how she is formulating The Nasty Bits, how she is their musical character.

Lester - probably the most likeable character for his raw musicianship and history. He does absolutely nothing as a character except saying "I dont know, what can I do" as the Bits manager. The only scene through the 10 episodes is how he is teaching Kip guitar theory. Show us the managerial side of things, how in between recording stuff they go to shows and Lester has to keep them inline. Show how Lester struggles with the fact that now Richie is working with Corrado, show how Kip is having an honest drunk conversation with him and how they are finding their own sound in the process. That's great story line and character development.

Skip's character - completely unnecessary if they dont develop his illegal record sales scheme. Why does he has screen time? Does his character influence or create any story line in regard to other characters? (If they wanted to show that a record company is influencing record sales for ratings, get Richie to make a few phone calls or a few scenes where he does Skip's job). An extra character on screen for 10 episodes is unnecessary.

Scott's character is in the show just so we can hate him for his idiotic actions/language/look? Unnecessary. How is he contributing to the flow of the overall show. Combine his character with Hal's.

Julie's character - somewhat along Jamie's but then again unlikable because he is an idiot. Why do we see him for 10 episodes nod his head on crappy music so then Richie can dis him and how dumb he looks. Waste of screen time.

Clark had been annoying since day one and the last 2 episodes he starts to get his side story interesting and appealing to the viewer. Why not start him in the mail room in episode 2, so by now we see how he hustles to find new music and earn his place in the company and possibly replace Julie. Technically they could have replaces Julie's character with Clark to begin with.

Maury - great backstory on where Richie came from, so continue his character. Instead he is introducing Corrado to Richie. Show us how a competing label is able to work with Richie, on the fake record sales maybe.

I feel that 90% of characters are static and their screen time is wasted by bad story line writing.


Mainly its writing, its introducing characters one after another that are either contribute nothing to the story line or doing a cheap job by filling in screen time just because you have to pay actors so you might as well give theme screen time.

Great points on a lot of examples you used describing the characters. I agreed with most of them. For example, what you said about Jamie. She started great, but I agree - what has she done to show us why she is so valuable to the nasty bits, apart from sex/drugs. Same with Lester. A favorite character, but the character development and meaningful relationship between him and Kip/Nasty Bits wasn't really shown. And a lot of the others you mentioned just seem to waste screen time.


"casual sexism" or "misogyny", and complains about the show not doing anything with Devon's character

Sean T. Collins of the Rolling Stone rag appears to be a beta of the white knight variety going for brownie points by positing this bandwagon social justice nonsense.

What these blogger nitwits seem to not take into account is THIS IS A PERIOD PIECE. Things were a LOT different in the early 70's, not that they'd have a clue because they were all born in the 90's.



SJW liberalism pretty much ruins everything. I guess they want to white wash anything that offends them. They're whiny, self centered infants that think the world revolves around their sensibilities.




I agree
BTW this was a great show


I'm sorry, what does SJW stand for?

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."


Social justice warrior. They can commonly be found lurking in various corners of the internet.
