...the show didn't get the ratings it expected right off the bat...big deal.
In the early '90s, Seinfeld got awful ratings, but the network stuck with it and the rest is history.
HBO says Vinyl was renewed for a second season, but then they hire some new programming head who decides Vinyl isn't worth the effort? That's such BS.
Just think if NBC hired this same moron in the early '90s, then Seifeld would've been just another failed show.
I'm not comparing the quality of Seinfeld
to Vinyl, but I am saying that some shows take time to build up viewership. Unfortunately, this new dork they hired wants to make a big move to let people know who is in charge.
I'll never watch a new HBO show now...what's the point? If they're definitely gonna bring a show back for a second season, then I'll go back an watch--until then, no way.