as far as I remember(form the hp books and movies) legilimens wasn't just like a permanently turned on telepathy like professor x, it required a wand, verbally or non verbally saying lelegilimens and it wasn't telepathy/reading someone's minds it was more peering into a person mind/thoughts.
yet queenie appears to essentially be like professor x and is just able to read the minds of others.
jkr surely knows how the magic works in this universe so why such a drastic change to this spell
jkr surely knows how the magic works in this universe so why such a drastic change to this spell
It is not such a dramatic change, since Queenie is naturally more powerful than previous Legilimens. Besides, it was implied that Dumbledore could perform Legilimency, in a similar manner to Queenie.
J.K. Rowling is flipping, the more mysterious magical skills on their head, this time around. Trelawney was a slipshod Seer, and her skills were rather comedic. While, Grindelwald is incredibly dangerous, because he is a naturally gifted Seer. Voldemort would use Legilimency to extract information from his victims, and probably considered their fear to be euphoric. Whereas, Queenie is probably the most powerful Legilimens who ever lived. Yet, she uses her skills as a way to empathize with others.
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To be fair, Grindelwald's powers were never defined in Deathly Hallows. He was a background character, and most British wizards know little about him. J.K. Rowling probably wanted Grindelwald to have a rare magical ability. Similar, to how Voldemort was a Parselmouth. With Fantastic Beasts essentially being a prequel, having the villain make prophecies does not spoil the ending, because the destination is already known to the audience.
Grindelwald being an accomplished Seer, sheds light on Dumbledore's stance regarding Divination. Dumbledore did not hold much of the subject, because it was not something that could be taught. A witch or wizard was either born a Seer or not. Yet, he still believed in the power of true prophecies. It also explains why Dumbledore thought Trelawney was a fraud, when he first met her. He obviously knew the true power Seers possessed, and just how dangerous it was.
Queenie, Dumbledore and Voldemort used it like this. Snape as well, apparently.
As for Grindelwald being a Seer, we never actually see him have a vision. We only see him telling Credence about visions. I just assumed he was making that up to get Credence to believe in him. After all, Grindelwald who was playing Graves (an Auror), knew a lot about Credence and his family because they were under investigation already. He just wants Credence to believe he's all powerful, he probably knows about the girl from reports and that it must be the Obscurus because Grindelwald knows that they don't usually live past the age of 10. He'd have deducted who it probably was from being powerful and investigation notes.
As for Grindelwald being a Seer, we never actually see him have a vision.
It was already confirmed, that Grindelwald is a powerful Seer but he was lying to Credence. J.K. Rowling announced it on Twitter, due to the confusion. While, Colin Farrell mentioned he filmed the scene where Graves receives a vision. As for the Obscurus, pretty sure Grindelwald knows the hosts can live longer than 10. Since, it is now heavily implied, that Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurial. Also, if you pay close attention to what Graves told Credence, it turned out to be partially true. In the Wizarding World, prophecies are self-fulfilling. Grindelwald said that the child was dying, and at the end of the film Credence was killed.
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I suppose it's possible that some people are natural legilimans, as Tonks is a natural... what was the word... you know, her inborn ability to change her shape effortlessly? That's something other wizards can learn with time and effort, and something that wasn't taught to Harry and his pals.
Legilimancy may be the same, a few are born with the ability and the rest can only master it after years of struggle. If we haven't met such a person yet it doesn't mean they don't exist, because I should imagine it's something most people would want to keep quiet about.
“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!
I suppose it's possible that some people are natural legilimans, as Tonks is a natural... what was the word... you know, her inborn ability to change her shape effortlessly? That's something other wizards can learn with time and effort, and something that wasn't taught to Harry and his pals.
Actually, no. Metamorphagi cannot be taught. It is only inherited. An animagus is a different ability.
Exactly, it's not supposed to work like this. Legilimens is a spell, it's not a talent you are born with like Parseltongue. JK Rowling has written a number of stupid things in this movie, including the Accio of the niffler.