This movie was one of the sappiest, most-contrived, pseudo-moralistic, and self-aggrandizingly mediocre things I have ever witnessed. Trash is golden in comparison. Yikes. Embarrassed just thinking about it now again.
I agree for the most part. My biggest beef is how deep they tried to get with the Voyager spacecraft reference, and how hard they failed to even come close to getting that deep. This wasn't a terrible movie, but it was so much more terrible than the writers/directors thought it was. If you're going to try and get all spacey on us, don't talk about fried chicken like Train's "Drops of Jupiter" piece of $h!t.
Yeah, the movie's director Reitman is quoted on a review at Amazon as saying the source novel was "hilarious" but I didn't laugh once during the movie, even though I didn't hate it. The end result seems to be much different than those who made it think it is.
Absolutely agree. Abysmal. A string of cliches from start to finish. And they probably imagined the Academy was going to be throwing trophies at them like they Ice Storm, American Beauty, Magnolia.
So atrocious I had to come on IMDb and see what people were writing even before the movie had ended.
Oh my god. Just when I imagined it couldn't get it any worse they have Emma Thompson read Pale Blue Dot. Sweet Jesus.
"Embarrassing" sums it up quite nicely.
And seriously, the kid has his video game deleted and he tries to kill himself? Why, because his girlfriend rejected him suddenly via text? No attempt to find out why? More importantly, no attempt to investigate whether he was really texting his girlfriend? You know, given that he was fully aware that her mother is psychopath who SPECIFICALLY INTERCEPTS HER DAUGHTERS INCOMING EMAILS?
Even worse than that laughable lapse in character motivation, how ridiculous was it how abruptly the film was suddenly all tied up in a neat little bow?
the roman empire never died, it just turned into the catholic church
What's wrong with this movie in a nutshell is that it's full of tired cliches like men being victims of their own sexuality, and girls being victims of exploitation.
The characters in this movie do horrible things seemingly to reinforce the idea that life is just tragic and there is nothing we can do about it. It's literally a form of brainwashing which perpetuates the cycle of people doing bad things.
All the while the earth is reduced to a "pale blue dot" and that nothing we do matters.
What's wrong with this movie in a nutshell is that it's full of tired cliches like men being victims of their own sexuality, and girls being victims of exploitation.
the roman empire never died, it just turned into the catholic church reply share
And seriously, the kid has his video game deleted and he tries to kill himself? Why, because his girlfriend rejected him suddenly via text? No attempt to find out why? More importantly, no attempt to investigate whether he was really texting his girlfriend? You know, given that he was fully aware that her mother is psychopath who SPECIFICALLY INTERCEPTS HER DAUGHTERS INCOMING EMAILS?
For a movie with such a cut and dry message, it certainly went right over your head...
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What's wrong with this movie in a nutshell is that it's full of tired cliches like men being victims of their own sexuality, and girls being victims of exploitation.
The characters in this movie do horrible things seemingly to reinforce the idea that life is just tragic and there is nothing we can do about it. It's literally a form of brainwashing which perpetuates the cycle of people doing bad things.
All the while the earth is literally reduced to a "pale blue dot" and that nothing we do matters.
Wow, I really don't agree. I think it's a good movie. Lessons learned, gives pause for thought, albeit some of the lessons were not that deep. I don't think it's trash though.
Maybe it just riles the generation that grew up seeing nothing wrong with the potential downsides of technology.