
Did no one else get the take away that the aliens or whatever took over her body were moths? Or moth people?! They pan to a moth on the light and just watch it for a bit... And they lure them out of the house by using a bright floodlight flashlight... How has no one else realized this?! I am confused as to how this isn't just known...


That is actually a very interesting thought there. Now that I think of it, the transformation of Bea and Annie has something coccoon-like, don't you think?
On the other hand the scene with the moth could also be another symbol like the one with the ants discussed around here.
Thanks for bringing this up. I'm curious what others think about this.


That was my thought for a lot of the movie. They showcased the moth earlier. Afterwards, Bea was very comforting towards animals and insects. Moth people or some type of nature parasites. The parasites were takin over the bodies and eventually would have cocooned and come out however those beings looked. I personally enjoyed the film quite a bit.
