So weird
I really thought that this was going to be about a demon possession not an alien one. The thing that threw me off from that was the beam of light. I didn't get that. That had alien written all over it. But she went on the walk at 3am. Which is a demon thing. And when she threw down the dice, every single dice read "6" another demon thing. And then all of a sudden it was all about aliens. So why add the 3am/6 all over the dice thing? To purposefully make us believe it could be about demons and then twist it to be about aliens? But the light thing already had you think about aliens, so that is honestly the only thing that ruins a perfectly cool idea for a movie and actually not a horrible film. Take those things out and I was pretty impressed with how much it creeped me out and entertained me. That other stuff kind of makes it sloppy, and that's not cool. Sure let's just throw every cliche horror hint in there and then we will make it about what we want it to be at the end. No, that isn't smart film making. But aside from that, if they had kept it clean cut to what they wanted it to be (aliens) it could have been good. Also, better casting. The guy was ok, I think with casting a different lead girl he would have done better. He annoyed me, but only because she was so freaking annoying. And because the script was badly written in certain spots. How many times do you have to write "Tell me! No! Tell me! NO! JUST TELL ME! NO I CANT! JUST *beep* TELL ME WHATS GOING ON! NO I CANT TELL YOU!" Oh my god. I wanted to shoot both of them in their faces. They also kept screaming louder the more they kept asking, which I get it, I understand why HE was do frustrated, but that is the writers fault. He didn't have to drag it out that much and make her keep it from him that long or write it that way. And she's just an irritating actress in general. The way she looks, talks, screams, everything. He's really not that bad, it's just what they made him do in the movie that was annoying. He's a good actor. I would give this movie a 6/10. Cool idea, and it got creepy at the end. I liked the ending actually. But with better writing, a better lead actress and taking out those weird devil cliche's it would have been more solid in my opinion.