MovieChat Forums > Honeymoon (2014) Discussion > Ancient Sumerian aliens

Ancient Sumerian aliens

"So the Sumerian tablets, they say the same thing like Genesis said, that there were chariots of fire that came into the sky. And these beings got out of them, and they walked like a man but they had reptilian features. They had snake-like eyes, a tail, and, uh, scales, right? And they were - they were here, and they made slaves out of the people. And where they landed in is what the Bible calls the Garden of Eden. They were trying to inbreed with the people here. The women would die, the babies would abort. But after two thousand years they started taking, the babies started being born and living. And they had tails, they had a few reptilian features."


Hmm, are you saying the bible stole from [edit] Sumerian mythology? He that shall blaspheme against the bible hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

Exodus 22:18 β€œDo not allow a sorceress to live.”


He's talking about Sumerian myths, not Egyptian. But yeah, the Bible does crib from older mythologies. It's not a magic book that fell from the sky... it's a collection of writings by various men at various times for various purposes. It begs, borrows and steals from other beliefs that proceeded it.



Says somebody who's probably never been near a bible.


Because I disagree with you?
I spent most of my early years in churches and bible studies... I know the book well. It's only when I set out to study its history (using books I purchased in a Christian bookstore, mind you) that I came to see it as purely mundane... a thing collection of things written by men for the purposes of men of some earlier age. Nothing I've read about history since then has done anything but steer me further towards that same conclusion.
Not that any of that has anything to do with Honeymoon.


No, because I simply don't believe you.


Not believing what's in the bible doesn't make you a liar. Believing what's in it turns you into a fool.


Amen to that!


Why was your post in quotations, is this from a film or something? I am so confused.
